CASC - CZ-7A WSLS / Long March-7A / Shiyan-22A, 22B, 23 patch.
Jan 9, 2023
Long March-7A carrying Shijian-23, Shiyan-22A and Shiyan-22B liftoff
A Long March-7A launch vehicle (Y4) launched three satellites, Shijian-23, Shiyan-22A and Shiyan-22B, from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site Hainan Province, China, on 8 January 2023, at 22:00 UTC (9 January, at 06:00 local time).
Long March-7A launches Shijian-23, Shiyan-22A and Shiyan-22B
According to official sources, the satellites entered their planned orbits successfully. Shijian-23 (实践二十三) will be “mainly used for scientific experiments and technical verification”. Shiyan-22A and Shiyan-22B will be used for “in-orbit verification tests of new technologies, such as space environment monitoring”.
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Image, Video, Text, Credits: China Central Television (CCTV)/China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)/SciNews/ Aerospace/Roland Berga.
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