lundi 21 février 2011

Dmitry Kondratiev Tells about EVA of Feb 16

ISS - Expedition 26 Mission patch.


ISS cosmonaut Dmitry Kondratiev published photos of the space walk which he and his colleague Oleg Skripochka made on Feb 16, in his blog in Roscosmos web.

Dmitry describes the space walk as hard job, though interesting. Both Dmitry and Oleg had cameras, so they made a lot of photos:

The most difficult task was to open RK-21 monoblock for the experiment aimed to monitor ocean salinity, Earth surface and atmosphere.

During the operation, the cosmonauts had no foothold, due to the size of the block, which is rather unusual during EVAs.

Despite of this difficulty, Kondratiev and Skripocka completed all tasks successfully.

Russian EVA 28 (time lapse) [with overview]
Images, Video, Text, Credits: Roscosmos PAO / Dmitry Kondratiev / Youtube.
