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August 28, 2021
Here the nineteen (19.1) article of a series of articles by Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich, expert in chronology and calendar systems, as well as space biology and medicine, Parliamentarian of Asgardia (AMP) the first space Nation.
Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant job losses in the United States. By one estimate, in May 2020, the pandemic led to the largest crisis of working-class and middle-class unemployment since the Great Depression (1929-1933).

By 2035-2050 US President Biden plans, through the American Jobs Plan (AJP), to achieve a total (80-100%) carbon-free electric power industry in the United States, which the United States is developing on the basis of NASA's technological achievements. The US and EU economies will no longer be strategically dependent on the flow of fuel hydrocarbons from abroad. For Russia, this is almost the same as for Ukraine the Nord Stream 2 project.
The $ 2 trillion American Jobs Plan infrastructure spending program, according to the White House, will create millions of jobs, restore the country's infrastructure and allow the United States to literally surpass China in social programs. The plan is designed to develop the domestic market for social consumption in the United States. Its main provisions are aimed at:
- Repair of highways, restoration of bridges, modernization of ports, airports and transport systems ($ 621 billion);
- Providing all Americans with clean drinking water, a renewed electricity grid and high-speed broadband Internet access ($ 300 billion);
- Construction and modernization of more than 2 million homes and commercial buildings, schools and childcare facilities, hospitals and federal buildings ($ 300 billion);
- Creating jobs and increasing wages and benefits for social workers caring for the elderly and people with disabilities ($ 400 billion);
- Investments in R&D, American manufacturing, research and development, as well as in vocational training, in semiconductors and clean energy ($ 580 billion).
In the future, the United States is not at all interested in the flow of gas through the GTS of Ukraine and through Russian pipelines at the bottom of the Baltic Sea to the EU, or the flow of Russian oil and gas to China.
The End of the Russian Ideology of the "World Gas Station"? Global energy transition?
In a strategic perspective, supplies from Russia of fuel hydrocarbons (gas, oil and coal) to the EU countries and the United States by 2035-2050. will not be critically needed.
They will not be critically needed by China, which is intensively developing its electric power industry and solar energy.

Combined solar-wind power plant in China.
By the end of September 2017, the installed capacity of the Chinese wind energy reached 157 GW, solar energy - 120 GW. In total (277 GW = 157 + 120), this exceeds the installed capacity of the entire electric power industry in Russia (approximately 250 GW).

Image above: The largest solar power plant in the world (area - 1.4 sq. Km) is a Chinese solar farm with a capacity of 1.547 GW. The cost of this SPP was $ 2.1 billion.
The modern energy system of Russia has 846 large power plants with a total capacity of over 250 GW. Electricity generation in 2019 reached 1,096 billion kWh, which is 0.4% more than in 2018.
Taking into account hydroelectric power plants (339 GW) and bioenergy (14.23 GW), there are 630 GW of renewable energy capacities in China.
This is reported by Reuters with reference to the National Energy Administration (NEA).
In three quarters of 2017, 1.17 trillion kilowatt-hours were produced on the basis of renewable energy sources, or 25% of the country's electricity.
In general, the share of non-fuel generation of electricity, including nuclear power, in China will be about 78% by 2035, and by 2050 - 91%. By the end of 2060, the target is 100%.
The PRC currently accounts for half of the total capacity of all solar panels in the world. China is leading the way in installing solar panels, ahead of the rest of the world by a huge margin.
As of June-July 2017, their total capacity was 25 GW, and according to ASECEA forecasts, this figure will reach 50 GW by the end of this year. This is despite the fact that the total capacity of solar panels worldwide is currently 100 GW.
For a long time, China was only engaged in the export of solar panels, but after 10 years of serious investments, it has become one of the largest consumers of its own products: out of 80 GW of solar panels produced per year, 50 GW remains in the country.
China's electricity industry is the largest electricity producer in the world, surpassing the United States in 2011 after growing rapidly since the early 1990s.
In 2019, China produced more electricity than the next three countries - the United States, India and Russia combined. Electricity in China -
By the end of September 2020, the installed capacity of China's wind power was at least 157 GW out of 651 GW - the total wind power capacity in the world. 60% of new wind power capacity commissioned in 2020 was in China and the United States.
China ranks first in the world in terms of the size of installed wind farms. In 2020, the output was 466 TWh.
In 2021, the United States rushed to catch up with China, repeating the path that China has already gone. Is this the reason why President Trump was replaced by President Biden?
Has the United States abandoned Trump's plan to make the United States a "global gas station", displacing, in particular, from this role Russia in the supply of fuel hydrocarbons to the EU and China?
According to Biden's executive order and tweet, at least 50% of all-electric vehicles will be on US roads by 2030. This applies to both personal and commercial vehicles.
At the same time, he criticized the actions of the previous administration of the White House, which in every possible way hindered the development of the electric vehicle industry.
Isn't that why China, with its advanced space technologies in the energy sector, became the main political opponent of the United States, and not Russia with its ideology of a "global gas station", which is deadlocked in a strategic perspective?
Over 20 years (2001-2021), the United States spent about $ 2 trillion for the political transformation of Afghanistan into its protectorate. The USSR tried to do the same in its time.
This is money wasted, thousands of servicemen died in vain, disability benefits for the wounded. Funds plundered by collaborators who immediately betray the metropolises that stopped paying them, and they are the first to flee to these metropolises as "political refugees."
The USSR withdrew its troops from the countries of Eastern Europe. The USA is doing the same. They left Vietnam. We left Afghanistan.
Clever Chinese do not fight with anyone and do not send their troops anywhere. They are building a highly developed social state as a new, well-educated, healthy space nation (like the sixth OEF - the sixth socio-economic formation - according to the conventional philosophical category of "historical materialism"). They are developing their own state territory, space and new sources of renewable energy sources (renewable energy sources).
The Chinese are ahead of everyone in this most productive direction - all who spend their strength, time and resources on unnecessary goals and "conquest" of protectorates, and breed enemies around the world.
Oil from Syria and Iraq is losing its meaning. While, in particular, they fought for it, China took the lead in creating renewable energy sources. depreciating oil production.
And communist China followed the model of the plan of the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia (GOELRO): "Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the entire country" - V. I. Lenin.

Image above: Xi Jinping. In 2016, the party officially awarded him the title of "main" leader. General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China since 2012, Chairman of the People's Republic of China since 2013, also Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the PRC (and the CPC).
“If Russia is covered with a dense network of power stations and powerful technical equipment, then our communist economic construction will become a model for the coming socialist Europe and Asia,” Lenin said.
Image above: December 22, 1920 delegates to the 8th All-Russian Congress of Soviets adopt the GOELRO plan.
Plan of the State Commission for the Electrification of Russia (GOELRO, - 1920
USSR electrification map
For 2020, the total installed capacity of all generating facilities in China is approximately 1,419 GW.
(Список всех электростанций в Китае - List of power stations in China -
- Coal-fired TPPs - 801 GW
- HPP - 280 GW
- Wind power plants - 157 GW
- Thermal TPPs - 61 GW
- Solar power plants - 120 GW
- NPP - 15.7 GW
All power plants (793 units).
Thermal power plants (482 units).
Hydroelectric power plants (256).
Wind farms (28).
Nuclear power plants (17).
China, claiming a leading position in the world and the status of a great power, realizes the need for an early solution to energy problems and the formation of energy security based on the unity of the country's internal and external regional energy development strategy.
Most of China's electricity is generated from coal, which accounted for 65% of electricity production in 2019. However, the production of electricity from renewable sources is growing steadily, from 615,005 GWh (17.66% of the total) in 2008 to 2,082,800 GWh (27.32% of the total) in 2020.
With environmental pollution, rising imports and attempts to cut CO2 emissions, the Chinese government is trying to reduce the share of coal in energy production by switching to renewable energy sources and natural gas.
This is likely to be a lengthy process as coal remains a cheap and easy source of energy throughout China. It is estimated that an additional 450 GW of coal-fired power plants are expected to be operational by 2040, although many of these installations will be much more efficient and “cleaner” than current coal-fired power plants.
In an effort to move away from dirty fossil fuels, Beijing is pushing for more natural gas consumption to meet 10% of its energy needs from natural gas in 2020.
Since China itself has produced only about 161 billion cubic meters of natural gas, it is a net importer of gas and is likely to continue to import in the future.
China occupies a leading position in the world in the extraction of "hot ice".
The samples were raised from a depth of more than 1.2 kilometers, the 200-meter underwater well itself was located 285 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong. In just eight days of work, 120 cubic meters of "hot ice" were mined, the methane content in it is 99.5 percent.
One cubic meter of hydrate is equivalent to 160 cubic meters of natural gas in a gaseous state (a car can travel 300 kilometers for 100 liters of gas, while 50 thousand kilometers for 100 liters of "combustible ice").
Other countries, in particular Canada and Japan, are also working on the extraction of the natural resource, but so far only China has managed to extract a sample of the hydrate from the bottom of the sea.
The Chinese government is investing heavily in nuclear power as a way to generate cleaner energy.
China is currently buying up uranium deposits and mines in all regions of the world where possible. This area is developing especially successfully in Africa and Kazakhstan. China is striving for a "uranium partnership" in all regions of the world where there are necessary resources that have not yet been "mastered" by the United States or France, for example, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Australia, Canada.
Nearly half of the types of reactors currently under construction in the world are in China, and nuclear power is expected to more than double.
China begins construction of a mini-nuclear power plant of its own design. The project has been fully approved by specialists and has already received all the permits from the IAEA. The first mini-nuclear power plant with ACP-100 reactor "Linglong" will soon be built on the island of Hainan.
The exact characteristics of the nuclear power plant are not reported, however, according to experts, its capacity may be about 100 MW - about 10 times less than that of a conventional nuclear power plant's reactor.
According to the plans of the Chinese authorities, while the mini-nuclear power plant will be used to provide electricity and heat to certain areas.
Incidentally, the ACP-100 Linglong is currently the first and only reactor to be approved by the IAEA.
According to the Chinese authorities, mini-nuclear power plants will come to replace coal-fired power plants. If the experiment on the island of Hainan is successful, similar projects will be built in all regions of the country.
They will be indispensable in space when people colonize the Moon and Mars.
By the end of 2019, China's installed renewable energy capacity was about 795 GW and coal capacity was 1,040 GW.
In 2020, China will add 48 GW of solar power, 71 GW of wind power and 13 GW of hydropower.
Renewable energy sources are hydro, solar, wind, geothermal and biomass.
The world's largest floating solar power plant (FPS) is built in China. The power of the solar power plant is 40 megawatts. The structure is located in a former coal mine that was flooded.
In recent years, the Chinese authorities have been paying more and more attention to floating solar power plants. The point is that solar cells show great productivity when they get good cooling. And a large body of water is an ideal place where the availability of water makes the cooling process efficient and reasonably cheap.
In addition, the installation of a solar power plant on reservoirs saves large land areas. After all, as you know, solar power plants need vast and flat areas, which are in short supply in many regions of China.
China is the world leader in the production of renewable energy sources (RES).
Coal-fired electricity production declined from 2013 to 2016, coinciding with a significant boom in renewables.
The volume of coal consumption in China by 2050 should decrease to the level of 2016 by 3 - 5 times, depending on the scenario under consideration: from 2703 million tons of coal units (t.e.) in 2016 to 846 - 534 million tons cu in 2050
China has a long coastline that favors the development of offshore wind energy. The potential of China's offshore wind energy is estimated with a total capacity of 750 GW.
The China Climate Science Research Institute estimates the potential of all wind power in China is 3.22 million MW. The technical potential is estimated at 1 million MW, of which 253 thousand MW are land-based power plants and 750 thousand MW are offshore.
All of the world's largest wind power equipment manufacturers have factories or joint ventures in China. According to the 13th five-year plan (2016-2020), China has commissioned 100 GW of wind power.
In accordance with the thirteenth five-year plan and the Chinese energy development plan for the thirteenth five-year plan, the installed capacity of solar power in the country by 2020 should increase to 165 GW - 250 GW.
According to SO UES - the system operator of the unified electric power system of Russia - the total installed electric capacity of wind power plants of the UES of Russia as of January 1, 2020 is 184.12 MW, or only 0.08% of the installed total capacity of all power plants of the Russian power system (about 250 GW).
List of wind power plants in Russia - Wikipedia ›List of wind power plants in Russia
Top 10 countries in terms of total wind energy in 2019 -
China: 236,402 MW (36.3%)
USA: 105,466 MW (16.2%)
Germany: 61,357 MW (9.4%)
India: 37,506 MW (5.8%)
Spain: 25,808 MW (4.0%)
United Kingdom: 23,515 MW (3.6%)
France: 16.643 MW (2.6%)
Brazil: 15,452 MW (2.4%)
Canada: 13,413 MW (2.1%)
Italy: 10,512 MW (1.6%)
Rest of the world: 104,684 MW (16.1%)
By comparison, there were 9,719 power plants in the US in 2019;
with a total capacity of 1,100.46 (GW) - 4.4 times more than in Russia (about 250 GW), and 1.3 times less than in China (1,419 GW) - which generated 4,157.09 (billion kWh ).
Russia has about 5.67 times less power plant capacity than China (1419/250 = 5.676 times).

Electric Power Monthly data for 2019. Wikipedia site:
The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has published the 15th edition of its annual Global Wind Energy Development Report.
According to GWEC, 60.4 GW of wind farms were installed in the world in 2019, which is 19% more than in 2018 and is the second result in the history of the industry (more was introduced only in 2015). More than half of the new installations (30.6 GW) are located in the Asia-Pacific region.
The total installed capacity of wind power in the world at the end of the year reached 651 GW. The five largest markets - China, the United States, Germany, India and Spain - together account for 73% of the total global wind power capacity.
China and the United States remain the world's largest onshore wind power markets, accounting for over 60% of new capacity in this segment.
Offshore wind power plays an increasingly important role. In 2019, 6.1 GW of offshore wind farms were commissioned, or 10% of all new installations. Record result.
The GWEC report identifies two main instruments to accelerate wind energy growth.

Nuclear fusion, the energy of the future? (Project ITER)
Firstly, this is a new market design, in which, in addition to the cost of energy (LCOE), the long-term (market and public) value of renewable energy sources would be taken into account.
Secondly, we are talking about expanding opportunities for the development of wind energy in new technological areas, such as hybridization (the construction of hybrid power plants is gaining popularity) and green hydrogen (access through hydrogen to new sectors).
GWEC expects 2020 to be a record year for wind power and forecasts 76 GW of new capacity. However, the forecast is likely to be revised due to the current coronavirus problem.
Consulting firm Wood Mackenzie expects 73 GW of new wind power capacity to be commissioned this year.
2018 - $ 20,611.875 trillion (US);
- $ 13,841.901 trillion (China);
- $ 1,665.228 trillion (Russia).
2021 - $ 21,921.585 trillion (USA);
- $ 16,492.813 trillion (China);
- $ 1,584.216 trillion (Russia).
By 2050, China's GDP will grow 4.2 times compared to 2018 and will amount to approximately $ 58.13 trillion. At the same time, the population of the country will also grow in 2050 and will amount to at least 1 billion 380 million people. US GDP and US population are growing dynamically.
Russia's GDP, with its ideology of a "global gas station", is not growing, but decreasing. The population of Russia is also declining.
Coming soon: Part 19.2
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Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century? Part 18.1.2
Exodus of civilization into space - Homeostatic Ark & Permanent bases on the Moon and Mars. Part 18.5
Exodus of civilization into space - American Jobs Plan. Part 18.4
Exodus of civilization into space - The space age of civilization began its new Third stage (civil). Part 18.3
Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - Ideology of the UN in the XXI Century. Part 18.2
Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century. Part 18.1
Space Toilet and Problems of Intestinal Stick Infection. Part 17.7
Three Historical Stages of Cosmonautics Development. Part 17.6
Brief Background to Selenopolitics (Industrial Colonization of the Moon). Part 17.5
Exodus of civilization into space - Creation of the first ever mobile homeostatic ark (HA) in the USA. Part 16
Exodus of civilization into space - Apocalypse; View from the UK. Part 15
Exodus of civilization into space - Comparison of plans of NASA and Roscosmos. Part 14
The ideology of space expansion - The question of pregnancy and childbirth in zero gravity. Part 17.4
Colonization of the Moon - The source of the power, wealth and power of civilization in the Universe. Part 17.3
Space manned industrialization of the XXI century - the golden age of civilization. Part 17.2
Exodus of civilization into space - Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks. Part 17.1
Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9
Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8
Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7
Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6
Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5
Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4
Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3
Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2
The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1
Related links:
About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:
Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:
Asgardia website:
Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Roland Berga.