Asgardia The Space Nation.
June 19, 2021
An anticipation text written by Asgardia Member Parliament (AMP) Roland(o) Berga, blogger specializing in space science and technology, founder and owner of Aerospace and Ambassador for Europe of Planetary Defense Foundation (PDF).
Roland(o) Berga
At the request of my parliamentary colleagues from the Information and Communications Committee (ICC), here are two visions of individual freedoms in a short-term future and a long-term future.
This article aims to help my colleagues in the Parliament of Asgardia to legislate their laws and regulations that will govern Asgardia the First Space Nation.
Short-term vision
My short-term vision for the start of the establishment of small habitable and permanent structures on the Moon and on Mars (to begin) and current space stations (including those in plans for the next few years), is as follows:
- Since these structures are small in terms of habitable space, we will not be able to guarantee the same rights of individual freedoms that future settlers had on Earth.
- Compared to the International Space Station (ISS), the private space granted to astronauts is slightly smaller than a phone booth (sleeper).
ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst on is crew sleeping quarter in ISS
- In addition when there are full staff (7 to 8 peoples on ISS for exemple), as there are only six berths, two astronauts must share one. Or he sleeps in a sleeping bag moored between the walls of the Space Station or sleep in the seats of the spacecraft.
- There is no privacy, even for the toilets, meals are taken together, they are together 24 hours a day, constant noise of machines. Radio communications with Earth, the chatting crew etc ... As the experience of the weightless shower system was inconclusive, you will have to get used to washing yourself with damp towels and not being very picky about your haircut (weightless).
- Impossible to escape even a minute from this environment, not possible to go out to "get some fresh air" because outside it is a space vacuum with temperatures well below zero. These range from 10 Kelvin (-263 ° C) to 100 Kelvin (-173 ° C), it depends on whether it is daytime (facing the sun) or night (when the Earth hides the sun). Therefore, individual freedom of movement is limited. On the Moon it will be the same.

ESA's Moon Base concept
- The duration of the missions are from a minimum of six months (for an orbital space station) to several years on Mars (counting 18 to 24 months for the outward and return journey). So those who have already felt ill-being during the "small" confinements during the COVID-19 pandemic, might as well tell them that it is not for them.
- So as a crew is international and from different cultures, in order to respect a "space truce" to maintain good relations in the crew or group of pioneers. So as in the Constitution of Asgardia, discussions of party politics and religion are taboo or even prohibited. As well as some propaganda and proselytism. So limitation of freedom of expression.
- Personal comfort as well as great gastronomy are concepts or put aside during the duration of your mission, in space (in zero gravity) the astronauts hardly have any taste, the food is generally very spicy and salty or sweeten to compensate for this loss of taste. But to avoid health problems in general these are flavor enhancers and sweeteners. Between two supplies (fresh food), the menu consists mainly of cans and bags of vacuum-dehydrated food. So not conducive to epicureans.
- As resources are limited and everything is recycled (urine, perspiration, ambient humidity), your water will always be the same (in space stations and spacecrafts), so the evening pee will be your morning coffee. Your excrement and food waste will be composted to make fertilizers and potting soil for crops in greenhouses, you will be happy to eat fresh vegetables and fruits and this will ensure your food independence between two supplies from Earth. When traveling in deep space, there will be no food and fuel supplies.
- During spacewalks or trips to the Moon or Mars, in your spacesuit you will wear diapers, because there are no public toilets in space or on the Moon or Mars. Generally the outings last several hours, you will be exposed to solar and cosmic radiations and to micro meteorites (very rare). In orbit of the Earth you will also be exposed to space debris. Your 100% safety is never guaranteed, you usually receive a waiver to sign that you are aware of the risks.

Lunar dust
- Lunar and Martian dust are toxic and abrasive, it will be necessary to equip the bases with decontamination airlocks and the astronauts will have to follow the procedures to the letter.
- We will not be able to send at the crews or pioneers anything, for example a private birthday cake or other foodstuffs and other products that do not comply with strict health standards to avoid any contamination. Information and news from Earth will have to be delayed or even censored so as not to disturb the morale and mission of astronauts and stettlers. So the limitation of information and postal rights.
Still want to become an astronaut? As I often say: It's not a job but a vocation (in this first step).
Long-term vision (a century)
- Spacecrafts and Space Stations will be much larger with technologies that are under development and other technologies that do not yet exist. You will have much less inconvenience than during the first steps, that of the pioneers. Your comfort and safety will be significantly improved, you will no longer be exposed to solar and cosmic radiation, you will have your own cabin with private toilet and an artificial gravity device.

Futuristic spaceship
- The Lunar and Martian bases will be cities and there will be industries, mines, permafrost water extraction plants, nuclear power plants (on Mars) and solar power plants for energy (on the Moon), space ports, transport systems, astronomical observatories, laboratories, telecommunications centers, factories, greenhouses for food crops etc ...
SpaceX, Elon Musk vision of Mars settlement
- In the future, the crews and settlers will be more comfortable and will regain certain freedoms that were restricted during the beginnings of human expansion in space.
And at this time the space will become accessible to everyone as long as you are in good health physically and mentally.
Regarding individual freedoms, it will not be possible to apply the same laws and regulations in an unchangeable manner over time. It will be necessary to adapt them to the circumstances. In addition, over time, societies evolve, mentalities change. There is no guarantee at all that a presently written law or regulation will not be obsolete in the future. This is why the parliament of Asgardia must always be vigilant and active in legislation to correct, amend or even reform laws and regulations over time.
It will also have the problem of territoriality which will arise, for the moment the space is governed by international agreements which are similar to those of the maritime code. That is to say that space is considered as international like international waters on seas on Earth. But the question will arise of the territoriality of the grounded spatial bases established on other planets or moons. For spacecraft and other vehicles, their nationality will be determined by who built them or their owners.
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Images, Animation, Credits: NASA’s Glenn Research Center/ESA/SpaceX/Space Digital Artwork/Text written by Roland Berga.
Best regards, Roland Berga (aka