mardi 15 juin 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - The space age of civilization began its new Third stage (civil). Part 18.3





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June 15, 2021


Here the eighteenth (18.3) article of a series of articles by Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich, expert in chronology and calendar systems, as well as space biology and medicine, Parliamentarian of Asgardia (AMP) the first space Nation.

Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich

The space age of civilization began its new Third stage (civil) from April 6, 2020 [O'Neill's stage - the author of the Third civil (or socio-economic) stage in the development of astronautics]

The first stage (Tsiolkovsky) - theoretical (1897-1933)

Space exploration began on May 10 (22), 1897 from the date of writing by K.E. Tsiolkovsky formulas of jet propulsion. This formula was deduced by K. E. Tsiolkovsky on May 10 (22), 1897 and published in 1903 in the May issue of the journal "Scientific Review" in the manuscript "Rocket".

This theoretical phase of astronautics lasted until September 21, 1933. On this day M.N. Tukhachevsky, Marshal of the USSR, created the RNII - the first Jet Research Institute in history - order of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS) No. 0113 dated 09.21.1933.

The second stage (1933-2020) - military-applied (Tukhachevsky)

Lasted until April 6, 2020. On this day, the Executive Order on Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources was issued, which implies that gradually the entire US economy is strategically moves to Space.

At the second stage, manned space exploration was mainly created by the military. The astronauts flew in conditions of weightlessness (microgravity), which had a harmful effect on the entire organism of the astronauts. An increase in oncological diseases and cardiovascular diseases was observed among the cosmonauts.

Since 2018, it has become clear that space flights in microgravity cannot exceed an average of 6-11 months (180-330 days).

Third stage (civil, O'Neill)

Started on April 6, 2020.

On this day, the Executive Order on Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources was issued. It meant support for the work of astrophysicist Gerard O'Neill.

On April 7, 2020, the United States denounced its signature under the Gen. Assembly of 1979, which calls the Moon and its resources a common human property.

Now the US does not recognize this document and these provisions. There is nothing universal in the Moon. The moon will belong to those who can reach it, gain a foothold and begin development.


The fundamental ideas of human colonization of the inner solar system, proposed by Werner von Braun (1912-1977), were developed in the USA after his death by the professor of astrophysics at Princeton University Gerard O'Neill (1927-1992).

In 1977, O'Neill in the United States published a landmark monograph: High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space. [O'Neill, Gerard K. The High Frontier: Human Colonies in Space (english). - New York: William Morrow & Company, 1977. - ISBN 0-688-03133-1]

In 1985, astrophysicist O'Neill was appointed by US President R. Reagan to the National Space Commission.

Image above: In 1985, astrophysicist O'Neill was appointed by US President R. Reagan to the National Space Commission.

The commission, led by former NASA administrator T. Payne, proposed that the government commit to opening up the inner solar system (terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) for the construction of space settlements in it over the next 50 years, from 1985 to 2035 ...

It was the first in history scientifically grounded, civil, socio-economic proposal for the state total industrialization of outer space.

O'Neill's space station was purely civilian. It was not intended for purely applied military secret missions. It was intended for mass civilian colonization of the Universe by mankind.

But O'Neill's idea of a massive "Exodus" of mankind into space was not approved in the US in 1986. The development of world cosmonautics went at that moment along the intermediate path of the creation of the ISS. However, already in 2020, the situation has changed due to, among other things, the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic on Earth.

From April 6, 2020, space becomes the main strategic point of application of all economic and financial forces of civilization to create stationary and mobile GCs with artificial gravity?

Image above: Gerard O'Neill [Gerard Kitchen "Gerry" O'Neill (1927 - 1992)] -astrophysicist (USA) - - author of the Third civil (or socio-economic) stage in the development of astronautics.

The modern space age of civilization began on April 6, 2020 (with the Executive Order of the President of the United States on Encouraging International Support for the Recovery and Use of Space Resources). In the United States, the task was set to involve in the circulation of civilization of minerals and other space resources from the planets of the solar system, starting with the Moon.

The idea of creating the space state of Asgardia (Igor Ashurbeyli), in particular, also clearly testifies to this. It will be the sixth in the history of civilization "astronautical" or "information-space" OEF (socio-economic formation). It begins with the total international industrialization of space (TMIK), specifically - with the industrialization of the moon. The plans of all six leading space states testify to this.



Image above: The first module of the Russian orbital service station-shipyard (ROSS).

The new service orbital station-shipyard (ROSS) will be located in orbit at an angle of 97-98 degrees, which will allow monitoring the territory of Russia in 100%. Only 20% of the country's surface can be observed on the ISS, which does not suit in any way.

The new shipyard station will be built in two stages. The launch of the NEM module is scheduled for 2025. Next, the nodal module will be withdrawn and docked, and in 2028 the base and gateway modules will be docked.

Starting from 2030, the ROSS station will acquire several more modules, one of which will be a shipyard module for the repair and maintenance of spacecraft.

In essence, it will be the first space shipyard-shipyard. At this near-earth shipyard, it will be possible to assemble the first permanent circumlunar mobile GC and tow it into circumlunar orbit.

The Rocket and Space Corporation Energia has been tasked with preparing the first module for the new Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS) in four years for launch into the target orbit. The purpose of the module speaks for itself - the scientific energy module (SEM).

The main difference between ROSS and the ISS, and from all space stations in general today, is that the modules after the end of their service life can be easily replaced with new ones. The service life of the modules is 15 years. Thus, the service life of the entire ROSS station is unlimited.

The scientific and energy module (NEM), which is now being made for ROSS - weighs 20.5 tons, the volume of the pressurized compartment is 90 cubic meters. It will also work in orbit for at least 15 years.

In all respects, the scientific and energy module is much larger than any of the currently available modules of the Russian part of the ISS. It will be equipped with systems that will support the life of the crew, including systems for the production of oxygen and water.

Following the NEM, a production module is launched into orbit. It is planned to create a technical laboratory in it, where a 3D printer will be installed, on which parts for spacecraft will be created.

But the most interesting module is probably the module - the spacecraft maintenance platform. The module will be endowed with the function of a kind of berth-spaceport for transiting spacecraft. Including the module will be able to refuel any spacecraft.

Such a function will be required for transit flights to the Moon by conventional vehicles that are not equipped with a nuclear power propulsion system (NPP). Let me remind you that the Nuclon spacecraft equipped with a nuclear power plant should go into production sometime by 2030.

Well, the material support module. The name speaks for itself. Also, up to 3 tons of fuel will be stored in its tanks. Perhaps just for refueling transits to the Moon. A sports hall for cosmonauts will be located on board.

These are exactly the key four modules that are planned to be launched in the first stage of the assembly of the ROSS Orbital Service Station.

The "Science" module, which will be launched to the ISS in July, may, although it is now denied, will be detached already in 2025 and transferred to the new ROSS station, which by that time will consist of one basic scientific and energy module. It would be a logical step.

It is planned to widely use robots and artificial intelligence at the ROSS station to conduct experiments and maintain the station on an ongoing basis. The station's crew, at first, will consist of 4 people.

Image above: Presumptive appearance of the Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS).

The backbone of the Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS) will consist of five modules: power, production, storage, gateway platform and tourist module.

Any other number of modules can be attached to them. For example, a "centrifuge" module is planned for experiments with the creation of artificial gravity in space for scientific research tasks.

But the most important difference is the basic module "gateway-platform", which will make it possible to carry out any experiments outside the station, and this is exactly what Rogozin emphasized in his speech.

No modern operating space station (or even a promising one) has such capabilities.

In addition to scientific experiments outside the station, this module also carries a more important function - it is the ability to assemble, retrofit, repair and modernize spacecraft. This opens up new horizons in the development of space technologies.

Thus, it will be possible to take out complex scientific probes in parts, make their modular assembly on the basis of the ROSS station, and send them for scientific missions with a 100% guarantee of efficiency.

In essence, it will be a dockyard in space - the first of its kind capable of assembling and repairing comic ships.

Rogozin emphasized that not only assembly, but also disassembly of comic devices with their subsequent return to Earth will be possible on the platform.

Images above: Although ROSS does not imply permanent habitation and daily work of cosmonauts, work in open space will become more of a daily routine rather than emergency, as it is today on the ISS.

Another undoubted feature is the presence of a tourist module in the basic configuration of the station, which plays a double function: firstly, it is the implementation of space tourism itself, and secondly, its use as a module of international cooperation.

RAS is already starting to prepare applications within the framework of scientific experiments of our foreign partners both inside the station and outside - on the "gateway platform". This is not only billions of additional rubles to the budget of our country, but also space prestige both in scientific and technical terms and in terms of space tourism.

The possibility of additional modular construction of the station carries the potential for widespread global integration. That is, on the basis of the ROSS station, it is very likely that a new ISS will be created, but with much greater opportunities in the field of space activities.

Against the background of all this, questions about the expediency of such a project disappear by themselves. Moreover, Russia is actually the only country that, having a full cycle of space technologies, is able to single-handedly build the basis of a new-generation orbital space station.


The first module of the new space station-shipyard "ROSS" will be launched into Earth's orbit by a fundamentally new heavy rocket "Angara-A5M".

Image above: Angara-A5M Russian heavy-class launch vehicle of the Angara family, the first heavy launch vehicle developed in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. The main developer and manufacturer is the Khrunichev State Space Research and Production Center.

- We could not do this earlier on the ISS, although the idea has existed for a long time, - Soloviev explains the purpose of the platform. - We will have a portable slipway on which we will be able to park all kinds of automatic vehicles and satellites.

- Here they will be repaired, refueled, and the payload will be adjusted, and then they will be sent back to their orbits. In addition, we will create a fleet of tugs that will be able to launch autonomous modules into the orbit we need at the time we need.

Roscosmos wants to start exploring deep space using assembled manned modules launched by a new rocket. The characteristics of the carrier make it possible to "combine launches by assembling manned flight complexes in orbit."

The Angara family includes several missiles. These are the light carrier "Angara-1.2", medium "Angara-A3", as well as heavy "Angara-A5", "Angara-A5M" and "Angara-A5V".

The latter will have the highest carrying capacity: it is assumed that it will be able to launch up to 38 tons into LEO (low reference orbit). For the usual "Angara-A5" this figure is 24 tons.

Roscosmos wants to start exploring deep space using assembled manned modules launched by a new rocket.

The characteristics of the new carrier "Angara" make it possible to "combine launches, assembling manned transfer systems in orbit" together with the Chinese orbital station Tianhe, which is the third Chinese station in space. Its main module was launched into orbit on April 29, 2021.

Project by the Chinese orbital station Tianhe

Beijing does not participate in the ISS program, mainly due to objections from the United States, but the PRC is coping on its own.

In total, the country has already successfully sent 11 astronauts into space, including two women. The first was Yang Liwei's flight in 2003. China's first female astronaut went into space in 2012.


The development (colonization) of the Moon, Mars and other space objects has the same main problem - the creation of artificial conditions for permanent comfortable living of people. This was recognized by Elon Musk, who considers this issue to be the main problem of the colonization of Mars.

“I think that going to Mars is not a fundamental issue. The fundamental question is building a base, a self-sufficient city on Mars. I want to emphasize that this is a very difficult, dangerous task not for the faint of heart. Chances are good that someone will die, there will be many difficulties, but it will be great if everything works out, ”Musk said.

This is a difficult task that today needs to be solved by simulating the construction of a full-fledged base in the form of a stationary GC with artificial earth-level gravity (1.0g), first on the Earth and on the Moon in the first place, and then to implement it on Mars itself. Here Elon Musk is absolutely right. In diapers under the Apollo program, it will not work to colonize Mars and the Moon.

From the birth of the first person on a stationary GC on the Moon in the conditions of artificial gravity of the earth level, the "cosmic" humanity will probably begin its countdown [3].

Home for the first space man, most likely, will be the Moon, not the Earth? It may be on the Moon that it will be most convenient to deploy mass space shipbuilding, design, production and construction of mobile GCs (planets and starships equipped with earth-level artificial gravity systems), on which civilization will conquer the Universe [4].

Academician Lev Zelenyi writes: “For mankind, the Moon is, first of all, the“ seventh ”continent of the Earth. The Moon should be colonized simply as part of the Earth, as America was colonized in the 15th century (“New World”).

Water reserves have been found on the Moon under the surface of the polar regions. In the form of such permafrost. It is difficult to say how deeply these reserves are spread, how large they are, as our institute is engaged in this. Therefore, the polar regions of the Moon are more promising and interesting for us today. "

“The development will start from the polar regions. First, it will be rotational expeditions, as oilmen work now. "

Scientists plan to create an International Lunar Observatory at the South Pole of the Moon with digital data transmission to Earth. Scientific and industrial directions in the colonization of the Moon will naturally complement each other.

Image above: The International Lunar Observatory (ILO-1) is a private, scientific and commercial lunar mission to host a small observatory at the Moon's South Pole for astrophysical research using an optical telescope. Source Wikipedia: [Image above: The International Lunar Observatory (ILO-1) is a private, scientific and commercial lunar mission to place a small observatory on the South Pole of the Moon to conduct astrophysical studies using an optical telescope. Source Wikipedia:]

"Scientists, naturally, think about the development of science, about the creation of a lunar astrophysical observatory. Now the Moon presents unique opportunities for radio astronomy. Near the Earth, everything is filled with radio noise, radio spam from millions of radio stations, mobile phones, so the best place for radio astronomers is the Moon, and even better - its reverse side, which is generally ideally protected from these earthly noises. "

Lev Zelyoniy, scientific director of the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is a friend of Jimmy Green, NASA's planetary leader. They have known him since the 1970s. In parallel, they made a career in space science, and now they often meet. Recently, almost at the same time, Lev Zelyony became the scientific director of the IKI Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Jim Green became the chief scientist of NASA.

“The moon,” says academician Lev Zelyoniy, “presents unique opportunities for radio astronomy. Near the Earth, everything is filled with radio noise, radio spam from millions of radio stations, mobile phones, so the best place for radio astronomers is the Moon, and even better is its reverse side, which is generally ideally protected from this earthly noise. A special group has already been organized to create an electromagnetic reserve there. "

Jim Green, chief scientist at NASA and lead author of the new study, said:

"It would be correct from the very beginning of the exploration of the Moon to prohibit any industrial infrastructure on its reverse side, so that it would be possible to carry out only scientific work and listen to the electromagnetic noise of the Universe."

"The moon makes it possible to assemble, among other things, huge radio telescopes - the installations are very massive and heavy, it is difficult to assemble them in orbit, but on the moon it can be done gradually."

The moon is the most important celestial body that should be colonized by civilization in the very next 10 years. The assembly and construction of large full-fledged space planets (spacecraft) in the form of mobile GCs is economically rational and is possible only on the Moon, where the gravitational force is 6 times less than that of the Earth and where there is no atmospheric air resistance.

Space industrialization is not obvious to many people on Earth today, but it is inevitable. This was proved by Gerard O'Neill [Gerard Kitchen "Gerry" O'Neill (1927 - 1992)] - astrophysicist (USA) - the author of the civil socio-economic stage in the development of astronautics.

A base based on a stationary GC on the Moon itself (Selene) has a huge plus: it is much safer than any other option. If in a circumlunar orbit radiation penetrates the station from all sides, then on the moon under the feet of the crew there is this satellite itself - and this is a very massive object.

It is believed that a layer of lunar soil only one and a half to two meters thick removes the problem of radiation. In combination with artificial earth-level gravity, which will be used on a stationary Homeostatic Ark (HA) on the lunar surface, this will solve the issue of permanent residence of people on it for an unlimited time.

In 2034, construction will begin on the first Russian lunar base, Patron Moon, with a small nuclear power plant that can house 50 people. It is already being developed by the Strategic Control Points Corporation, a part of ROSCOSMOS.

In lunar craters there is one hundred (100) billion tons of water ice, which is a source of oxygen for breathing and fuel components for spaceships. "[5].

Industrial space exploration of the Moon should be considered as a natural continuation of the industrialization process on Earth, as its simple natural consequence.

It will provide unprecedented rates of economic development of civilization in history and an unlimited number of space jobs both in space and on the Earth itself.

About 1.7 trillion rubles (equivalent to $ 25 billion) will be needed to implement the Roscosmos lunar program using the Yenisei super-heavy rocket.

Yenisei super-heavy rocket. Image Credit: Popular Mechanics

Roscosmos executive director for science Alexander Bloshenko spoke about this on 05/22/2021, noting that 800 billion will go to create the payload and the manned vehicles themselves.

NASA reported that they expect support from the Russian Federation in the implementation of the US lunar program.

To be continued (18.4)...

Related articles:

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - Ideology of the UN in the XXI Century. Part 18.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century. Part 18.1

Space Toilet and Problems of Intestinal Stick Infection. Part 17.7

Three Historical Stages of Cosmonautics Development. Part 17.6

Brief Background to Selenopolitics (Industrial Colonization of the Moon). Part 17.5

Exodus of civilization into space - Creation of the first ever mobile homeostatic ark (HA) in the USA. Part 16

Exodus of civilization into space - Apocalypse; View from the UK. Part 15

Exodus of civilization into space - Comparison of plans of NASA and Roscosmos. Part 14

The ideology of space expansion - The question of pregnancy and childbirth in zero gravity. Part 17.4

Colonization of the Moon - The source of the power, wealth and power of civilization in the Universe. Part 17.3

Space manned industrialization of the XXI century - the golden age of civilization. Part 17.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks. Part 17.1

Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9

Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8

Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7

Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Roland Berga. 

Best regards,