mercredi 21 avril 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks. Part 17.1


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April 21, 2021


Here the seventeenth (at the request of the author, this article is published before part 14) article of a series of articles by Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich, expert in chronology and calendar systems, as well as space biology and medicine, Parliamentarian of Asgardia (AMP) the first space Nation.

Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich

Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks

Image above: Dr. Jim Green has been NASA Chief Scientist beginning May 1, 2018, NASA Chief Scientist. (Photo: MAX ALEXANDER / UK SPACE AGENCY).

“We look forward to continuing these discoveries as NASA sends astronauts to the Moon through the Artemis program, which will return critical rock samples from the Moon's South Pole to Earth.” The US is returning to the Moon for good. This is the strategy for all US space exploration programs...

Why Are We Going to the Moon?

James L. Green (Wikipedia site: is an American physicist currently serving as Chief Scientist for NASA. He received his doctorate. He received his BS in space physics from the University of Iowa in 1979 and has worked at NASA ever since. NASA key figure in Research and Forecasting since May 1, 2018. Wikipedia site:

Jim Green, NASA's chief scientist, explains why we're talking about converting ice at the moon's poles into drinking water and rocket fuel.

Image above: Lunar settlement. Double-dome concept for habitat creation on the moon.

Maybe Elon Musk will become the second Columbus of the Universe?

Five objective circumstances of the leading role of the United States in the space industrialization of the Universe

1) The dominant global financial system.

2) Leading space technologies.

3) Implementation of Gerard O'Neill's plan to populate the inner solar system.

4) The transition of the United States to the principles of building the Sixth CEF (socio-economic formation) from April 6, 2020 (Decree of the President of the United States).

5) Implementation of the plan of mass construction on the Moon, Mars and other objects of the solar system and the Universe of stationary and mobile GCs (Homeostatic arks) on the principle of artificial earth-level gravity.

Image above: History is just waiting for the United States to come to the moon today under the Artemis program. Maybe Elon Musk will become the second Columbus of the Universe?

History expects the second coming to the moon from the United States

The periodically arising political and economic deadlock in the history of civilization is the norm. One of these global dead ends arose at the end of the 15th century.

In 1492, the Catholic Vatican in the Old World announced the end of the world. However, the discovery of America ("New World") by Columbus in the same year 1492 meant the exit of civilization from the medieval global impasse of the 15th century. Society moved from the Third (feudal) CEF (socio-economic formation) to the fourth (capitalist) CEF.

For Columbus, it was a very relaxed project. He could not recruit a crew for his ships. The decision was unexpected - the king of Spain allowed the use of sentenced criminals for the right to be pardoned if they "voluntarily" enter the command of Columbus's sailors.

Therefore, the team of sailors at Christopher Columbus consisted of 90 criminals released from prison, who agreed to scout a new sea route for the king's promise of pardon. There were no other hunters to embark on a dangerous journey: no one wanted to risk their lives, since it was completely unclear where to sail and what to expect.

This epoch-making event happened 529 years ago, on October 12, 1492, on the 71st day of the voyage, the expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador ("Holy Savior") in the Bahamas archipelago. This day is considered the official date of the discovery of America.

529 years ago, on October 12, 1492, the famous European navigator and cartographer Christopher Columbus landed in the New World. The 15th century was born of capitalism - huge fleets of ocean-going ships sailed across the Atlantic Ocean from the Old World to the New World and back. The era of great geographical discoveries began.

Today, in the 21st century, civilization is at another political and economic global impasse. The transition from the Fifth (socialist, communist) OEF to the Sixth (astronautical, information-space) OEF is taking place.

Now we are talking about fleets of spaceships - mobile main ships, which will be built at lunar shipyards (stationary main ships) in huge quantities. These will be multi-trillion-dollar volumes of space work and services. This will be a new stage in the development of the astronautical civilization.

Civilization in agony goes out into space, discovering it for itself 529 years after the discovery of America. History develops in a spiral, repeating itself at each new stage of development. New Columbus needs new ships and a new team again, only now space ones.

Today, history is simply waiting for the United States to return to the moon under the Artemis program. Maybe Elon Musk will become the second Columbus of the Universe?

Horizons of space industrialization of the Sixth OEF in the 21st century (the era of Gerard O'Neill)

Aristotle divided the cosmos into two parts: supra-lunar and sublunar. The interests of civilization are currently focused on the Moon itself, since it, like Two-Faced Janus, unites both parts of the Universe at the same time.

Image above: The symbol of the Moon - Two-faced Janus (Latin Ianus) is a two-faced god in ancient Roman mythology. Was originally a god-demiurge. Then he gave way to the supreme deity Jupiter.

Its reverse side is always facing the side of the superlunar world and is a part of it, and the frontal part is always facing the Earth and is part of the sublunary world, which it illuminates at night, reflecting sunlight.

"Panorama" of the superlunar world within the solar system

The outer ("reverse") side of the Moon is an outpost of civilization in the "supra-moon" world. The inner ("front") side of the Moon ("sublunary" world) is the outer border of the earthly world of civilization. These are two very different sides of the same moon.

Oxygen is the basis of life on Earth. The Moon has an unlimited amount of oxygen in a bound state: it is billions of tons of water ice and the lunar soil regolith, which is 43% oxygen. Therefore, the colonization of the moon has a direct meaning for civilization. The industrial production of oxygen on the Moon is a simple matter of technology.

Colonization of the Moon is the colonization of the Moon by man using a stationary Homeostatic Ark (HA) with earth-level artificial gravity systems to compensate for a 5/6 lack of gravity in relation to the Earth.

The dreams of civilization about the industrial manned exploration of the Moon were made a reality by the flight of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin on April 12, 1961.

Today there are 6 (six) national programs for the colonization of the Moon: Russia, India, Japan, China, the EU and the USA, which have not yet been coordinated among themselves.

None of the six national programs presented today provides in a direct form for the key deployment on the lunar station of a stationary Homeostatic Ark (HA) with earth-level artificial gravity systems to compensate for the 5/6 lack of gravity in relation to the Earth.

However, this very moment is of fundamental importance for the Strategy of all mankind, for all its national programs of the third historical stage of the era of the development of astronautics (the era of Gerard O'Neill). Without the implementation of the program for the construction of a GC with an earthly level of artificial gravity, civilization is unlikely to be able to fully master the Universe as its main place of residence.

I. Russia's program consists of 3 stages. "Strategy for the development of space activities in Russia until 2030 and beyond."

3D-model of the Russian lunar base "Patron Moon"

Stage 1 2016-2025. It involves sending to the moon the automatic interplanetary stations Luna-25, Luna-26, Luna-27 and Luna-28. They will have to determine the composition and physicochemical properties of the lunar polar regolith with water ice and other volatile compounds. In addition, the task of the devices will be to select the most promising region in the region of the Moon's South Pole for the future deployment of a test site and a lunar base there.

The launch of the Russian apparatus "Luna-25" to the moon is scheduled for October 1, 2021. Reserve date - October 30.

In 2024, Russia is to send the Luna-26 orbital station to the Earth's satellite, and in 2025 - the Luna-27 landing station.

More distant plans include the dispatch of the Luna-28 heavy landing station in 2027-2028 for taking soil and delivering it to Earth, as well as the Luna-29 station for transporting the heavy lunar rover.

2. Stage 2 2028-2030. Includes manned expeditions to the orbit of the Moon without landing on its surface.

3. Stage 3 2030-2040. It includes the landing of astronauts in the area of the potential location of the lunar test site and the deployment of the first elements of infrastructure from lunar matter. In particular, it is proposed to start building elements of the lunar astronomical observatory, as well as objects for monitoring the Earth.

By 2050, it is planned to build a habitable base and a landfill for mining.

II. US program - to colonize the moon. Artemis Accords. In May 2019, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstein announced the launch of the Artemis program (named after the Greek goddess of the hunt, sister of Apollo).

James Frederick Bridenstine - NASA Administrator since April 23, 2018

“There are many reasons to return, or, as you may have heard me say, to go forward to the moon. We will accelerate our return to the moon by 2024 and lay the foundation for a sustainable human presence by 2028. With Artemis, we are going to explore more of the Moon than ever before, and this time, we plan to return and stay on the Moon permanently.

With our Artemis program, we will once again establish American leadership and strategic presence on the Moon, and expand our global reach here on Earth. "

The program is divided into two stages: The first stage includes landing on the Moon in 2024 and includes: a manned orbital flyby of the Moon Artemis-2, the beginning of the construction of the international circumlunar station Gateway, the landing of the crew with the first woman on the Moon in the Artemis-3 mission. The second stage of the program is flights to the moon and the creation of lunar infrastructure.

Image above: NASA lunar station (Gateway), one of the first options. It is easy to see that Roskosmos was assigned the role of the manufacturer of only one small module, which, of course, could not satisfy the Russian side / © NASA.

III. The ambitious plan for Aurora, the European Space Agency, envisions eventually, after 2030, an expedition and a base on the moon.

In April 2018, the European Space Agency announced the start of work on a project to create a permanent base on the lunar surface. The base project is designed in four stages, from 2020 to 2062.

- The first stage (2020—2030) - mapping the lunar surface and development of the Krypton heavy launch vehicle, the booster and landing lunar modules.

- The second stage (2030–2032) is the determination of the location of the future base, the delivery of four cosmonauts and modules by Krypton to create the base itself, and the launch of the space station into orbit.

- The third stage (2032–2042) - delivery and installation of command and repair modules, a power supply unit for the base and the lunar rover.

- The fourth stage (2042–2062) is the creation of life support systems, an industrial base and an observatory, the launch of a permanent base by 2062 without the need for a person to stay on the Moon permanently.

IV. China has repeatedly announced its plans to explore the moon. On October 24, 2007, the first Chinese lunar satellite, Chang'e-1, was successfully launched from the Xichang cosmodrome. His task was to obtain stereo images, with the help of which they would subsequently make a volumetric map of the lunar surface. In the future, the PRC expects to establish a habitable scientific base on the Moon. According to the Chinese program, the development of a natural satellite of the Earth is scheduled for 2040-2060. The project of a lunar base in China is being developed under the leadership of the general designer of China's lunar program, Wu Weizhen.

Image above: One of the earliest Chinese projects for a modular science station on the moon. Noteworthy are vertical solar panels. Such should allow to provide power to the station in the circumpolar regions of the satellite, where the Sun is low above the horizon / © CAST.

V. The Japan Space Research Agency planned to commission a manned station on the Moon by 2030 - five years later than previously anticipated. In 2007, the space station "Kaguya" Japan began orbital exploration of the moon. In March 2010, Japan decided to abandon the manned lunar program due to its excessive cost in favor of robotic settlements.

VI. India sent the first Chandrayan-1 to the Moon in 2008 for 3D mapping and radio sounding to map surface chemical elements in search of metals, water and helium-3. The Indian Space Research Organization has presented plans for the imminent dispatch of a lunar rover and joint or independent manned flights to the Moon in the distant future (after 2025-2030).

Russia will build a station on the moon together with China

March 9, 2021. Russia signed a memorandum with the PRC on the establishment of the International Scientific Lunar Station (International Scientific Lunar Station). This message appeared on the official website of Roscosmos.

Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of the State Corporation Roscosmos

Dmitry Rogozin, General Director of Roscosmos State Corporation, and Zhang Kejian, Head of the National Space Agency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on behalf of the governments of Russia and China between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the creation of the International Scientific station (MNLS).

It is planned that the station will be built on the same international principles as the ISS, but now the main partners at this facility will be Russia and China.

According to any of the aggregate indicators, China has not only caught up with, but also significantly surpassed the Russian Federation in the field of space exploration.

Image above: Futuristic projects in which the premises of the lunar station are integrated into the slope, thereby providing protection from cosmic rays / © Wikimedia Commons.

China has 4 main spaceports, the entire range of launch vehicles, is building a super-heavy launch vehicle, has sent automatic missions to the Moon and Mars, and also has its own space station.

Image above: Agreement between the State Corporation Roscosmos and the Chinese National Space Administration on cooperation in the framework of the coordination of the Russian mission with the orbital spacecraft Luna-Resource-1 and the Chinese mission of exploration of the polar region of the Moon "Chang'e-7", as well as the Agreement between the State Corporation Roscosmos and the Chinese National Space Administration on cooperation in the creation of a joint data center for lunar and deep space exploration.

Next article: "Space manned industrialization of the XXI century - the golden age of civilization. Part 17.2"

Related articles:

Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9

Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8

Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7

Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Roland Berga. 

Best regards,