lundi 19 avril 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9


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April 19, 2021


Here the Ninth article of a series of articles by Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich, expert in chronology and calendar systems, as well as space biology and medicine, Parliamentarian of Asgardia (AMP) the first space Nation.

Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich

Tsiolkovsky Galactic State

“No one has seen God at any time (1:18). In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God (1: 1). It was in the beginning with God (1: 2). Everything through Him began to be, and without Him nothing began to be that began to be (1: 3). " Gospel of John (1 chapter).

Image above: Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky. 5 (17) September 1857, Izhevskoe, Ryazan province - 19 September 1935, Kaluga).

"Humanity will not remain forever on Earth, but, in pursuit of light and space, at first it timidly penetrates beyond the atmosphere, and then conquers the entire solar space." "The planet [Earth] is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot live in the cradle forever." K.E. Tsiolkovsky 1912.

Tsiolkovsky was born in 1857 exactly 100 years before the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in 1957.

Image above: The world's first artificial satellite of the Earth. October 4, 1957 19:28:34 UTC. The simplest Sputnik-1 (PS-1).

Tsiolkovsky K.E. knew the biblical canons well: he was married to the daughter of a priest and taught at the Borovsk city diocesan school. He knew well the biblical history of the creation of the world from the first Act of Creation to the Last Judgment.

The text of the Torah-Bible says that:

- On the first day God created heaven, earth and light, and separated light from darkness;

- On the second day - created a firmament in the middle of the water, separated the water above the firmament from the water under the firmament, and called the firmament sky;

- On the third - land, seas and plants,

- On the fourth - the luminaries in the firmament of heaven,

- On the fifth - fish, reptiles and birds.

- Finally, on the sixth - the beasts of the earth, cattle, reptiles of the earth and man (Adam).

Creation of Adam. Michelangelo, 1511

The story ends with verses where it is said that the Creator “rested on the seventh day from all His deeds that He did”, and “God blessed the seventh day [Shabbat, that is, Saturday], and sanctified it, for on that day He rested from all His deeds, which God created and created ”(see Gen. 1: 1 - 2: 3).

The second chapter of the book of Genesis tells about the creation of the Garden of Eden and two trees in it: the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, about the first commandment given to man, Adam, not to eat the fruits of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and also contains a story about creation the woman of Eve from the rib of the man of Adam (see Genesis 2: 4–25).

Tsiolkovsky also knew what was told about the End of the World in the medieval "Apocalypse" or "The Revelation of John the Theologian", the last book of the New Testament, or the Gospel.

He knew well that the theologian Isaac Argir (1300/1310 - 1375), accepted in the Vatican, in 1373 calculated the date of the End of the World on the basis of clerical ideas of that time. For Christians, the date of the creation of the world is considered to be 5508 BC.

According to the clerical dogma, every day is considered by God to be 1000 years. Total: 7000 years were spent on the entire Creation of God to create the Earth and life on it. After that, the Day of Judgment, or the "Last Judgment", was to come, and then the End of the World.

7000 - 5508 = 1492 A.D. Gregorian calendar.

Michelangelo. The Last Judgment. 1537-1541. The Sistine Chapel

In Judaism, it is believed that the End of the World will occur in 6,000 years, starting from the hypothetical date of the creation of the world in 3760 BC. It is believed that on the 7th day of rest, God did not create anything. Therefore, unlike Christians, the 7th day of rest is not included in the number of days of the Creation of the world. The Jews calculate the end of the world by the formula:

6000 - 3760 = 2240 A.D. according to the Gregorian calendar.

The first coming of the Creator to Earth is considered the date of the Creation Act of the Earth itself and Life on it. On the Second Coming of God to Earth - on the Day of Judgment - the Creator will divide and judge “sinners” and “righteous”.

The Creator will send the “righteous” to “paradise”, or “the Kingdom of God”, or “the Kingdom of Heaven”, and the “sinners” to “Hell”, or the “Fiery Hyenna”.

"Hell" is a purely Jewish concept. The ancient Jews called the "Hell" the ever-burning dump of the city's sewage outside the city of Jerusalem, nicknamed "the fiery hyena." Geographically, it was located in the valley of Hinnom (hence the very word "Hyenna") to the southwest of Jerusalem. The stench that came from this valley later made it a symbol of "Horror" or "Hell" (Matt. 5:22).

The Bible says that the Garden of Eden was located in the city of Eden in Mesopotamia at the source of four rivers: the Tigris, Euphrates, Murat (Pison) and Araks (Gihon), - (Genesis: 2: 8-14).

Isaac Argir's prediction did not come true: in 1492 the End of the World did not come. The same will happen in 2240: the end of the world will not come in both cases, since the logic of these calculations is equally incorrect, they are both equally imperfect from the point of view of modern science.

Doctrine of Salvation

The image of the future in the works of Tsiolkovsky

Tsiolkovsky, from a different logical standpoint, recognized the existence of God as the Creator of the world, calling Him the "Cause" or "First Cause".

He thought of the cosmos as an endless phenomenon in space and time. At the same time, what is infinite for a particular person was of course for the Reason.

In Tsiolkovsky's theoanthropocentric system, the Cosmos is a single living organism, which did not contradict the project of its development by technogenic means.

Basically, his cosmic philosophy was a variant of the religious Doctrine of Salvation, which the author himself considered more optimistic than the previous religious versions of the Old and New Testaments.

Image above: “Will of the Universe. Unknown Intelligent Forces. " Edition of the author, 1928.

Tsiolkovsky did not recognize the End of the World as the end of biological Life. He recognized the Exodus of civilization into boundless space and eternal life, as space is eternal, and with it. He recognized the end of the physical inorganic life of the next sun, the next planet, but not the phenomenon of the eternal biological life of the Earth's civilization.

“The luminaries cool down and deprive the planets of their life-giving light. Where will their inhabitants go then? “Death and its torments,” you say. How can this ever disappear? ... The suns are constantly burning, and this is even more often than their extinction. In a word, the dark suns are resurrected no less than the brilliant ones are extinguished. The life of each luminary is periodic and repeats itself many times. Likewise, the life of a group of luminaries, such as the Milky Way. " ...

The civilization of the Earth will be doomed by history to constantly move in search of new young suns in the Universe for its eternal prosperity.

In his main philosophical book “The Will of the Universe. Unknown intelligent forces ", Tsiolkovsky wrote:

“As if everything [in the world around us] depends on the will of a rational being, like a man.

It is clear that life, reason, and will was gradually engendered by nature. In the end, everything that is done has its source in times long past, when there was not even a trace of animals. Our will, our actions - present and future - are the result of times long past. And these were born from even earlier times.

Man is born by the Earth, the Earth by the Sun, the Sun originated from the thickening of a rarefied gaseous mass. This one is from even more rarefied matter, for example, from ether.

So, everything is generated by the Universe. She is the beginning of all things, everything depends on her. A person, or other higher being, and his will is only a manifestation of the will of the Universe.

If we manage to fulfill our will, it is only because the Universe allowed us to do it. It always has many ways and reasons to slow down our activity and manifest a different, higher will, although our will is only the will of the Universe. There is a complete likelihood that the will of the cosmos and on Earth will manifest itself in all the splendor of the highest mind.

Most people are completely ignorant and look at the universe in much the same way as animals.

We have a very wrong concept about the Mind of the Higher Beings [“Gods”?]. The intelligence and power of the higher beings who originated on the higher planets eliminate the embryonic life on other planets [with a lower level of development] and populate them with their [more perfect] offspring [that is, they are engaged in the colonization of planets suitable for higher life].

We are confident that the mature beings of the Universe have the means to transfer from planet to planet, to intervene in the life of lagging planets and to communicate with those who are as mature as they are.

The people of the Earth will someday unite, and they will all be governed by one Elected Council, under the leadership of a President elected by the council.

This will happen relatively soon. After a more significant period of time, our entire solar system will be abundantly populated. It will also be governed by an Elected Council with its own Chairman. It cannot be otherwise, as the mind requires it. All other planets and solar systems also unite.

The only difference is that most of them are quickly populated by a mature, ready-made generation and immediately establish their control. The Earth and our solar system had a long path of gradual suffering development. "

In my opinion (the autor, Morozov Sergey Lvovich), the Galactic State of Tsiolkovsky will be created.

The first step in this direction can be considered the creation in 2016 on October 12 in Paris by Dr. Igor Ashurbeyli of the space state of Asgardia. It legislatively (Decree No. 38 of December 18, 2019 and Decree No. 46 of September 1, 2020) approved as a state calendar by me, Sergey Morozov, a 13-month digital civil reference standard space calendar with the most accurate value of the duration of the reference tropical solar years: 31,556,925 seconds, or 365 whole and 31/128 days.

Image above: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich at presentation of the Asgardian calendar at the First Asgardian Space Science and Investment Congress (ASIC) October 2019, Darmstadt, Germany.

The main feature of the new approach to time calculation is the theoretically and mathematically grounded reference leap formula - 31 leap days every 128 years.

Morozov's calendar constant: 31/128 days per year = 0.2421875 days / year = 20925 seconds / year.

Paving the road to living in space Asgardia's First Space Science and Investment Congress

14-16 October 2019. Conference center of best western, am Kavalleriesand 6, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany.

At the first Asgardia Space Science and Investment Congress (ASIC) in October 2019, Darmstadt, Germany, a significant event was held, which brought together many prominent figures in astronautics and discussed the conditions for its development and the latest promising discoveries.

Image above: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich with prof. Ana Diaz Artiles from Texas A&M University, Department of Aerospace Engineering (USA).

The great scientist and thinker Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky talked about space flights of people:

Until now, the "sobriety" of science has prevented interplanetary communications. Now this opinion is shaken even by scientists, but most of them are not yet piqued by new ideas and are either indifferent to them, or hostile.

Somewhat earlier, except for obvious dreamers, no one admitted the possibility of heavenly intercourse, especially travel outside the Earth. Therefore, the opinion was established that they were impossible.

We say: everything depends on us, but we ourselves are the creation of the Universe. Therefore, it is more correct to think and say that everything depends on the Universe.

We assume, and the Universe [God?] Disposes as it wants, without ceremony destroying our plans and even destroying the entire planet with all its intelligent beings".

Conclusion: Joseph Stalin's mistake

Image above: Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin December 18, 1878 - March 5, 1953.

Image above: Certificate of graduation from I. Dzhugashvili of the Gori Theological School (1894).

Image above: Party card of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin No. 0000002, 1936.

Stalin did not like the work of K.E. Tsiolkovsky: “The Will of the Universe. Unknown Intelligent Forces. " Therefore, he canceled the decision to publish the complete collected works of K.E. Tsiolkovsky for his 75th birthday in 1932.

In the author's reasoning about the "Mind of the Higher Beings", the "atheist-seminarian" Stalin saw an open "smuggling" of the idea of ​​God. And the "Doctrine of Salvation" itself seemed to Stalin too religious, very similar to the Christian idea of ​​Christ the Savior.

The dialectics of the Ice Eras, Periods and Epochs, as the reason for natural selection, became known only in 1941 after the works of Milankovitch, which not everyone knows today.

Even today not everyone knows about the multiple changes of flora and fauna in the geochronological history of the Earth. And the conclusion that man, as an ordinary species, can disappear as a result of natural "Darwinian" selection from the Earth's surface, with the next change of flora and fauna, is still perceived with difficulty today.

But this is a real scientific conclusion and forecast for the not so distant future.

Our future in this sense is predetermined and we have no choice. Civilization will still have to leave the Earth if it does not want to die from another deadly virus, for example, or a new serious cold snap.

Tsiolkovsky K.E. was more perspicacious than Stalin. Humanity has no other meaning of existence on Earth, except for the construction of flotillas of Homeostatic arks and the construction of a Galactic state in space. “The Earth is the cradle of Reason, but one cannot live forever in the Cradle”, which will inevitably disappear sooner or later anyway.

Next article: "Extraterrestrial astronautical socio-economic formation".

Related articles:

Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8

Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7

Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Roland Berga. 
