vendredi 9 avril 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5


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April 9, 2021


Here the fifth article of a series of articles by Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich, expert in chronology and calendar systems, as well as space biology and medicine, Parliamentarian of Asgardia (AMP) the first space Nation.

Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich

Space Man

Civilization has neither the strength nor the means to prevent the laws of cosmic celestial mechanics discovered by Milankovitch, and to abolish Ice Ages, periods and eras, as well as their reverse side in the form of "universal" fires, floods, epizootics, epidemics and pandemics that naturally occur in interglacial periods.

Humanity, as a species, can die from the hypothetical "Apocalypse virus" that appeared in the process of natural [or unfriendly artificial?] Selection, if it is no longer the current SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19].

On planet Earth, civilization today has nowhere to develop extensively. The "earthly" man is forced to become a "space" man.

The author of the term "space" man is the cosmonaut-researcher SV Krichevsky. (Publication: S. V. Krichevsky.

"Space" man: ideas, technologies, projects, experience, prospects // Aerospace sphere. - 2020. - No. 1. - P. 26-35. DOI: 10.30981 / 2587-7992-2020-102-1-26-35)

Homeostatic Ark Project

This will be a total international industrialization of space (TMIK) with the aim of building flotillas of Homeostatic Arks (GC). This will be a massive Exodus of earthly civilization into the Universe.

The term "Homeostatic Ark" was first introduced by Sergey Lvovich Morozov in the articles and in the monograph:

- Morozov S.L. Homeostatic Ark as the main means in the strategy of space exploration. // Aerospace Sphere Journal (ASJ). 2018. No. 3 (96). P. 28–37 (Rus)

- Morozov S.L. The ideology of space expansion // Aerospace Sphere Journal (ASJ). 2019. No. 1 (98). S. 50-61 (Rus);

- Morozov S.L. Standard 13-month of I. Medler - D.I. Mendeleev - S.L. Morozov reference calendar and its application for the space society industrialization. Monograph / Morozov S.L. - M .: LLC "VASH FORMAT", 2019. - 260 p. (rus). ISBN 978-5-907092-99-0. CEMI RAS.

Homeostasis is self-regulation, the ability of an open system to maintain the constancy of its internal state. The desire of the system to reproduce itself, to restore the lost balance, to overcome the resistance of the external environment.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is the prototype of a planetary catastrophe and the risk of death for all humanity as a species. Today it acts as a trigger for the transition to a new, sixth socio-economic formation.

Viruses can gradually destroy the entire human civilization. This has already happened on Earth 5 times with other species of animals.

Man is just an ordinary species. One of many. On Earth, this species may well disappear after many previous species. Where did the population of the largest and largest medieval Mayan cities disappear? Nobody knows.

The Neanderthals (Homo neanderthalensis), with whom our ancient ancestors shared the planet until the last glacial maximum, 20,000 BC, all of a sudden, all died by the principle of "natural selection", possibly from an epidemic unknown to us, or pandemics.

Extinct in total in the period of 100,000 BC. approximately 9 hominid species. Neanderthals were the extreme ones. The "Denisovans" related to them inhabited Asia, while the more primitive "Homo erectus" lived in Indonesia, and the "Homo sapiens" lived in Central Africa.

Several dwarf species with small brains lived near them: Homo naledi in South Africa, Homo luzonensis in the Philippines, Homo floresiensis ("hobbits") in Indonesia, and the mysterious "cavemen (troglodytes)" in China.

Biological species and subspecies of the genus People

The mechanism of "natural selection" "organized" in the First World War a viral attack on mass concentrations of military personnel in the armies, as a biological species as a whole, in the form of a pandemic of the swine flu virus ("Spanish flu").

The H1N1 virus strain entered the American military kitchen on March 11, 1918 (from Chinese pork infected with the swine virus).

Soldiers of all the armies of the belligerent countries were simultaneously dying en masse in hospitals, not on the battlefields. There was simply no one to fight. The Spanish flu caused the end of World War I on November 11, 1918, at the height of the pandemic. At least 25 million people died.

Image above: Spanish flu mortality chart. The end of the First World War on November 11, 1918 at the height of the pandemic.

In 11500 BC. huge ice sheets in Flanders retreated, allowing plants and animals, and after them and the people who hunted them, to return (migrate) to the middle latitudes. Modern Homo sapiens survived and took up farming soon after the ice receded, creating the basis for the rise of modern civilization.

But when the polar ice sheets after that again descend into the middle latitudes under the influence of the Milankovitch cycle, a new Ice Age will begin on Earth, which can throw modern civilization on planet Earth back to the Stone Age.

The phenomenon of the Little Ice Age occurred at the turn of the Paleozoic and Cenozoic. The Cenozoic era began 65 million BC. and continues to this day.

The cold snap, which occurred at the very beginning in connection with the massive volcanic activity (volcanic winter) that opened up, cost the lives of the dinosaurs, whose thermoregulation was not adapted to significant cold ambient temperatures. There was a transformation of the basic flora (the emergence of flowering plants) and fauna, which Darwin called "natural selection."

In the Cenozoic, the most important event of earthly history took place - the niche of the disappeared dinosaurs was occupied by the first primitive hominids, a special species of viviparous mammals, from which the ancestor of ancient man turned out as a result of "Darwinian" evolution of "natural selection". He had a more perfect thermoregulation system than dinosaurs, and the most perfect process of live birth at that time.

Image above: Fauna and primitive people of North Africa during the Neolithic. Cave of the Beasts, Egypt.

The documented modern chronicle history (starting with the drawings on the walls of the caves), which can be scientifically researched, appeared no earlier than 10,000 BC. almost immediately with the beginning of the last interglacial period - a warm period, which was marked by Ecumenical fires due to the usual increase in the level of greenhouse gases during these periods (for example, modern fires in Greece, Brazil, Australia, Siberia, etc.; the death of billions of animals, insects and bees in these fires only in the last few years).

During the warm interglacial period, civilization passed the way allegorically described in the Bible "from the first man" Adam and his wife Eve and their 6 children: the sons of Cain, Abel, Seth, and the daughters of Luluva, Avana, Azura. [Genesis 5: 4].

All subsequent “antediluvian” prophets-patriarchs originated from Seth, of which Noah was the last and at the same time the first and only “post-Flood” who was saved during the Flood on the first biblical Ark in history in 3113 BC. (according to Mayan data on this event). From the date of the Flood, the Mayans have their own calendar.

The duration of this present-day warm interglacial period is hypothetically estimated in the Bible at about 7528 years, of which 5508 years are located on the time axis BC. (according to the Byzantine time scale), and 2020 years - after that on the time scale already AD.

Milankovitch cycles predetermine the geochronological history of the Earth and the productive forces of human civilization (nomadic, sedentary, industrial and informational societies).

Modern humanity, as a species, in this very short geochronological period of time of 7528 years has gone from primitive production and maintenance of fire in the Stone Age to the project of a new type of spacecraft - a homeostatic ark, the prototype of which was first described by G.K. O'Neill and which can be built in space only by advanced industrial methods.

A pair of O'Neill cylinders

The O'Neill Cylinder, known as Island III, the space station that was proposed in O'Neill's 1977 book, is a highly autonomous colony designed for a population of 10,000. The project was based on actual technology at the time, and had an estimated framework cost of $ 100 billion.

In 1985, O'Neill was appointed by US President R. Reagan to the National Space Commission. The commission, led by former NASA administrator T. Payne, proposed that the government commit to opening up the inner solar system (terrestrial planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) for the construction of space settlements in it over the next 50 years, from 1985 to 2035 This was the first ever scientifically substantiated proposal for a state total industrialization of outer space.

But this idea of ​​O'Neill's "Exodus" in the United States in 1986 was not approved. The development of world cosmonautics followed the path of creating the ISS.

However, in 2020, the situation has changed due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

Space from this moment becomes the main strategic point of application of all economic and financial forces of civilization.

Coming soon to read the continuation of the cycle "The Exodus of Civilization into Space".

Related articles:

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Roland Berga. 

Best regards,