mardi 12 avril 2011

Mars500 Crewmembers recall what Yuri Gagarin's historic flight is meaning for them

ESA / ROSCOSMOS - Mars500 Mission patch.

12 April 2011

Mars500 crewmembers Diego Urbina, Romain Charles and Wang Yue recall what Yuri Gagarin's historic flight is meaning for them:

Web-site of the Russian Federal Space Agency opens a new section to publish materials devoted to Yury Gagarin himself, and anything linked with the birth of the human space exploration era.

The First Rare Photo of Gagarin in the New Section of Roscosmos Web:

Yuri's Night - International (visit the website for looking where are your party place on your country) celebration April 12:

Logo, Video, Text, Cedit: ESA / ROSCOSMOS.
