Qu8k Rockets logo / KickSat.org logo.
Oct. 13, 2011
On some points, we saw a really great time!
While the sending of objects beyond our atmosphere was kept the field of companies with huge financial resources, it is now possible for amateurs to send rockets into space, and even to consider the creation of a fleet of small satellites very economical.
The rest of this article may make you want to create a shooting range in your garden!
Qu8k Rocket launch
The project Qu8k was to send a rocket above 30 km altitude, in order to win the award Carmack (link below, in related links section).
Created by John Cramack, creator of the legendary video games Doom and Quake, the competition can win a prize symbol of $ 5 000, and a very good advertising of the project if successful.
I'll let you see the video of rocket launch, as well as his short stay in space:
Qu8k Rocket Launch Highlights - On board GoPro HD at 22 mile
Certainly this kind of tinkering is not for everyone, not least as qualified to determine the ideal design for a rocket of this size, not including the handling of solid fuels (and potentially explosive) ...
Qu8k Rocket (click on the image for enlarge)
However, you can learn more about the site from the creators of this project (Qu8K link below, in related links section).
Send rockets into space is fine, but it should also find a more practical interest is not it? And if we sent mini-satellites economic, about $ 300 each?
It's a crazy idea launched on Kickstarter, a site that allows projects to find funding for their launches.
KickSat consist of a simple electronic circuit consisting of solar cells to provide energy to the micro-satellite, a microcontroller to control functions and a radio transmitter.
The first version does that send radio a unique identifier, and the names of contributors associated with the project. In the near future, and if the project succeeds, it is planned to incorporate sensors, allowing these mini-satellites to handle more functions.
For the launch, there are plans to use a program with NASA, which would save the cost of launch to validate the tests of these satellites personal.
When is a combination of these two projects? It may be in the near future, even more objects randomly walking around in space just above our heads ...
Related links:
KickSat: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/251588730/kicksat-your-personal-spacecraft-in-space
The Price Carmack: http://blog.crashspace.org/2011/03/the-carmack-prize/
Qu8K Rocket: http://ddeville.com/derek/Qu8k.html
Images, Videos, Text, Credits: Nikopik / Derek Deville / KickSat.org / Translation: Orbiter.ch, a suggested article by Alexandre Girardot.
Best regards, Orbiter.ch