ISS - International Space Station patch / ROSCOSMOS - Russian Vehicles patch.
December 11, 2013 held a test correction orbit of the International Space Station.
According to calculations by the ballistic and navigation support Mission Control Center FSUE TsNIIMash engines cargo spacecraft Progress M-21M were included in the 20 hours 34 minutes Moscow time and worked 459 seconds.
ISS reboost by Progress cargo vehicle
As a result, ISS received increment speed of 1 m / s. The average height of its orbit by 1.7 km and reached 415.4 km.
According to the service ballistic and navigation support MCC after the ISS orbit maneuver parameters were as follows:
- Minimum height - 415.6 km
- Maximum height - 432.2 km
- Period - 92.819 min
- Inclination - 51,67 °
International Space Station (ISS)
ROSCOSMOS Press Release: http://www.federalspace.ru/20052/
Images, Text, Credits: Roscosmos press service and PCO / NASA / Translation: Orbiter.ch Aerospace.
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