samedi 4 janvier 2020

First teleportation between computer chips

Quantum physics logo.

Jan. 4, 2020

Scientists from the University of Bristol and the Technical University of Denmark have carried out an unprecedented quantum experiment.

Scientists successfully teleport information between two computer chips (Illustration)

This is a major advance expected in the world of quantum computing. Researchers have attempted to achieve quantum teleportation. The idea is to transmit information between two computer chips without them being physically linked.

They have developed chip-scale devices that are capable of exploiting the applications of quantum physics by generating and manipulating individual light particles in programmable circuits at the nanoscale.

This phenomenon is made possible by quantum entanglement. This concept was discovered in 1930 by Schrödinger and Einstein. He admits that two particles that have the same properties can undergo the same changes at the same time.

"Our current understanding of physics says that nothing can go faster than the speed of light, yet with quantum teleportation, information seems to exceed this speed limit," said the research report.

Quantum physics could be the next computer revolution. With computers capable of adapting and performing increasingly complex calculations.

Related articles:

Teleporting Toward a Quantum Internet

Particles in Love: Quantum Mechanics Explored in New Study

Researchers Advance 'Quantum Teleportation'

Related links:

University of Bristol:

Technical University of Denmark - DTU:

Image, Text, Credits: ATS/Wikimedia/ Aerospace/Roland Berga.

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