lundi 23 mars 2020

Viewing Our Galactic Center

NASA - Chandra X-ray Observatory patch.

March 23, 2020

(Click on the image for enlarge)

The central region of our galaxy, the Milky Way, contains an exotic collection of objects, including a supermassive black hole weighing about 4 million times the mass of the Sun (called Sagittarius A*), clouds of gas at temperatures of millions of degrees, neutron stars and white dwarf stars tearing material from companion stars and beautiful tendrils of radio emission.

Chandra X-ray Observatory

Learn more:

Chandra X-Ray Observatory:

Image, Animation, Text, Credits: X-Ray:NASA/Yvette Smith/CXC/UMass/D. Wang et al.; Radio:NRF/SARAO/MeerKAT.
