Cyprus Spacewalk Space Festival 2020 poster / Orbiter.ch Aerospace logo.
April 4, 2020
Anticipation article dedicated to the Cyprus Spacewalk Space Festival 2020, which unfortunately will not take place this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Earth moving away
Six months later, here we are at the Matian Gateway, ready to dock with the Mars orbital station. Our Antares spacecraft releases the Martian Ares lander. This will dock with the Matian Gateway. Then it's our turn.
Mission to Mars
Once these maneuvers have been carried out, we disembark and take our places in the orbital station. The crew is divided into two groups: the one who will remain in the station and those who will land on Mars, the roles have already been predefined since the start of the mission. The crew that remains on board the station is made up of a biologist / chemist and a specialist in planets and meteorologist as well as the pilot and engineer of Antares.
Mars topography and locations
In the group that lands on Mars, there are two scientists and a mission specialist (pilot, engineer). The Ares lander is ready for departure from the orbital station, it unlocks, makes a remote maneuver and starts its main engine to start its descent on Mars.
Mars geology and locations
The Astronauts will live "seven minutes of terror" during the atmospheric entry phase, that of Mars is much less dense than that of Earth and is only 30 km thick. Lander landed on Mars, everything went well, the lander landed in the right place, at Solis Planum near East of Valles Marineris. It is a small step for a man, but a big step for humanity.
Mars, the Paradise of Geologists and Mineralogists!
Mars, the Paradise of Geologists and Mineralogists! How many rock formations to explore, analyze, work awaits us! Astronauts install the first Martian Base. They deploy the transmission instrument and devices. Set up the compact nuclear power plant, projectors and deploy the Rover.
Mission to Mars 2
Geologist and mineralogist take the Rover to take an exploration trip to the edge of the Valles Marineris canyon. The view is breathtaking! They take the opportunity to collect soil and rock samples. Once the samples are loaded in the Rover, return to the "home" (Mars Base).
At the edge of Valles Marineris canyon
A month has passed and it is time to return to the Martian orbital station. Lift off smoothly and here we are in orbit. Approach to Gateway, docking at the station and unloading of Martian samples and transfer to the Antares spacecraft. Dismantling of the station and departure for the return to Earth.
End of mission.
Editor & writer note:
Hoping that this article will have made you travel a bit in these difficult times of confinement, a big thank you to the whole festival team and to the readers and see you next year for the 2021 edition. Best regards, take care, Roland Berga.
Related links:
KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY (CYPRUS): http://www.astronomycyprus.eu/
KITION PLANETARIUM & OBSERVATORY (CYPRUS) on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/kition/
Orbiter.ch Aerospace on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Orbiter.ch/
Orbiter.ch Aerospace - YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orbinaute
Orbiter.ch Space News: https://orbiterchspacenews.blogspot.com/
Orbiter.ch Space News, Daily: https://paper.li/Orbiter_ch/1306415282#/
Orbiter.ch Aerospace - Add-on's for Orbiter Space Flight Simulator: https://orbiter.jimdo.com/
Orbiter.ch Aerospace - Add-on's for Flight Simulator X (FSX) and IL-2 Sturmovik 1946: https://simulators.jimdo.com/
Images, Animations, Videos, Text, Credits: NASA/JPLCaltech/ESA/HubbleWikimedia/Orbiter.ch Aerospace/ Orbiter.ch Aerospace Studio/Roland Berga.
Best regards, Orbiter.ch