Eurocontrol logo / Flightradar24 logo.
April 2, 2020
Airport closings and a lack of passengers have reduced the number of planes in the sky. The video below shows the difference over Europe between March 29, 2019 and March 29, 2020.
Covid-19: Planes have disappeared from the European sky
Global airlines are experiencing an unprecedented situation. They had to cancel a large part of their national, international and intercontinental flights due to the lack of passengers, the Covid-19 pandemic and the closure of airports. At the end of March 2020, world air traffic fell by more than 60% compared to March 2019.
The number of daily flights in the first two months of the year averaged 175,000, while by the end of March, fewer than 65,000 flights per day were recorded, a decrease of 65%.
In Europe, many countries are in quarantine, like Italy, France or Spain. Air traffic has therefore decreased drastically as shown in a video made by Eurocontrol, the European organization for the safety of air navigation, visible above.
The graph also shows the decrease in intercontinental traffic between the beginning and the end of March 2020. The timelapse shows the planes that fly on the Old Continent between 8 am and noon.
Commercial flights recorded daily in a normal situation
Commercial flights recorded today at 12:15 GMT on April 2, 2020
Two screenshots for another impressive comparison: the number of commercial flights recorded daily in a normal situation and today at 12:15 GMT on April 2, 2020.
Related links:
Eurocontrol - Organisation Européenne pour la Sécurité de la Navigation Aérienne: https://www.eurocontrol.int/
Flightradar24 statistics: https://www.flightradar24.com/data/statistics
Flightradar24: https://www.flightradar24.com/
Images, Video, Text, Credits: AFP/Flightradar24/Eurocontrol/Orbiter.ch Aerospace/Roland Berga.
Greetings, Orbiter.ch