jeudi 10 février 2022

Astra Rocket 3.3 launches ELaNa 41


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Feb 10, 2022

Astra Rocket carrying ELaNa 41 liftoff

Astra Space’s Rocket 3.3 launch vehicle (LV0008) launched NASA’s ELaNa 41 mission from Space Launch Complex 46 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, on 10 February 2022, at 20:00 UTC (15:00 EST).

Astra Rocket 3.3 launches ELaNa 41

The Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa 41) mission consists of four CubeSats: BAMA-1, INCA (Ionospheric Neutron Content Analyzer), QubeSat and R5-S1.

NASA’s ELaNa 41 Mission - Mission Overview and Objective

Our objective is to successfully launch and deploy the 4 spacecraft for NASA. This will be our first mission deploying satellites, our first launch for NASA, and our first launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida.

The ELaNa 41 mission is part of NASA’s Venture Class Launch Services Demonstration 2 (VCLS Demo 2) contract under NASA’s Launch Services Program (LSP). Read and download NASA’s ELaNa 41 Mission fact sheet and learn more about the CubeSat teams flying on ELaNa 41 here:

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Video Credits: Footage provided by NASASpaceflight LLC and Astra Space Inc. according to the “Copyright Terms of Use for licensing guidance”/SciNews/Images, Text, Credits: Astra Space/John Kraus/ Aerospace/Roland Berga.
