mardi 15 mars 2022

Feminist project - A vulva-rocket in space!


WBF Aeronautics logo.

March 15, 2022

German feminists want to create the world's first vulva-shaped rocket. The goal? Fighting for equality in space.

“Help us fight for gender equality with this revolutionary rocket ship.” This appeal was launched on February 22 by the German feminist collective “Wer braucht feminismus?” (who needs feminism?) on her social networks and the platform. Purpose of the operation? Collect 500,000 signatures so that the project can be taken into consideration by the European Space Agency and that the “Vulva Spaceship” has a chance of seeing the light of day.

“Space should belong to everyone”

To design “Venus 5” – the name of the future rocket – the German feminist collective collaborated with Dr. Lucia Hartmann and her team. “We dare to change the status quo in the space field, explains the scientist who hopes to be able to present a prototype before the end of March. New forms in space will revolutionize the way we think, act and everything that we have held to be true until now.” Exit therefore the monopoly of the phallic rocket, make way for diversity. “We started this petition because we believe that space should belong to everyone,” explains the collective.

An optimized shape

Very far from conventional rockets, would the "Venus 5" provide the same technological prowess? According to Dr. Lucia Hartmann, there is no doubt: “The shape of the spacecraft is surprisingly aerodynamic, creating much less drag (note: friction forces) than when the vehicle passes through the Earth's atmosphere, she notes. Thanks to this optimized V-shape, it guarantees maximum fuel efficiency with a reinforced carbon exterior that allows it to withstand the most extreme temperatures.

Let’s launch the "Vulva Spaceship"

Now that the rocket is ready, it is now necessary to launch the rocket. And that is why a petition has been created and the objective of the latter is to collect 500,000 signatures for the project to be examined by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Case to follow!

Editor's note:

I do not know if this project will succeed, but I think that it will be better to encourage girls and women to pursue scientific and technical studies and after careers to increase parity in the aerospace sector. Good luck anyway! Roland Berga.

Related links:

You want to learn more about the project? Check out:

Visit our petition site and support the project with your signature:

Images, Video, Text, Credits: WBF Aeronautics/ Aerospace/Roland Berga.
