mardi 14 juin 2022

Cargo Ops and Multitude of Science Fill Crew’s Tuesday Schedule


ISS - Expedition 67 Mission patch.

June 14, 2022

Tuesday aboard the International Space Station saw the Expedition 67 crew concentrate on an array of orbital maintenance tasks and cargo operations. The septet from U.S., Russia, and Italy also had plenty of time set aside for a variety of biomedical activities, life science research, and Earth observations.

Flight Engineers Kjell Lindgren of NASA and Samantha Cristoforetti of ESA (European Space Agency) joined each other Tuesday morning for cable inspections inside four U.S. modules. The pair recorded and downlinked video while narrating the condition of the cable routing throughout the U.S. Destiny laboratory module and the Unity, Harmony, and Tranquility modules. The astronauts focused on key areas throughout the station where the cable work would need the most tidying up.

Image above: The space station with the Cygnus space freighter (left) attached orbits into a sunset 261 miles above the Pacific Ocean. Image Credit: NASA.

Lindgren then swapped samples from the Touching Surfaces antimicrobial study inside the Mochii electron microscope for analysis. Cristoforetti stowed one of the samples after its microscopic analysis then moved on to cargo work inside the Northrop Grumman Cygnus space freighter before its departure at the end of the month.

NASA Flight Engineer Bob Hines began his day replacing components inside the Combustion Integrated Rack before inventorying medical gear stowed inside Human Research Facility supply kits. Fellow astronaut Jessica Watkins of NASA worked on orbital plumbing gear, collected her blood and urine samples for stowage, while also assisting with the Cygnus cargo packing.

International Space Station (ISS). Animation Credit: ESA

The three cosmonauts working in the station’s Russian segment focused on their complement of space research and orbital maintenance today. Commander Oleg Artemyev studied advanced Earth photography techniques before partnering with Flight Engineer Sergey Korsakov on a long-running space exercise study. Korsakov also joined Flight Engineer Denis Matveev unpacking cargo recently delivered inside the Progress 81 resupply ship. Matveev started his day with atmospheric research before exploring ways international crews and mission controllers can communicate better.

Related links:

Expedition 67:

U.S. Destiny laboratory:

Unity module:

Harmony module:

Tranquility module:

Touching Surfaces:

Mochii electron microscope:

Combustion Integrated Rack:

Human Research Facility:

Advanced Earth photography techniques:

Space exercise study:

Atmospheric research:

International crews and mission controllers:

Space Station Research and Technology:

International Space Station (ISS):

Image (mentioned), Animation (mentioned), Text, Credits: NASA/Mark Garcia.

Best regards,