jeudi 16 février 2023

Asgardia Mentioned at NASA Conference


Asgardia The Space Nation logo.

Feb 16, 2023

Last week, the NASA Human Research Program Investigators’ Workshop was held in Galveston, Texas, USA. The small resort town borders Houston, the name familiar to any space aficionado. The workshop’s title was To the Moon: The Next Golden Age of Human Spaceflight.

Professor Floris Wuyts, Minister of Science of Asgardia, was present at the conference. He delivered a report, had some talks and, most notably, presented the posters on the impact of spaceflight on the human brain and equilibrium system. The posters bore the Asgardian logo, as the research is partially being made under the frame of the International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP) supported by Asgardia. The ISGP focuses on the impact of spaceflight on human and plant physiology. It has sessions devoted to radiation and artificial gravity, while also being open for submissions on procreation.

Prof. Wuyts pointing at the Asgardian logo on the poster

One of the contributions was about the impact of repeated spaceflight and hence cumulated time in space. It is important to identify the prolonged impact on the human being, to be able to better define the countermeasures against these deleterious effects of microgravity.

Additionally, Prof. Wuyts presented the work on how returning cosmonauts react to artificial gravity and what the difference is before versus after a spaceflight.

The conference was attended by over 700 scientists, mainly from NASA but also from other space agencies, such as ESA.

Original article on Asgardia News:

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What is Asgardia?

Related links:

International Society for Gravitational Physiology (ISGP):





Image, Text, Credits: Asgardia - The Space Nation/Editor: Aerospace/Roland Berga, Asgardia Resident & Asgardia Member of Parliament (AMP).

Best regards, Roland Berga (aka