dimanche 14 octobre 2012

Launched from Baikonur rocket Proton-M with the spacecraft Intelsat-23

ILS / ROSCOSMOS - Intelsat 23 launch poster.


 Liftoff! of the Proton M Breeze M rocket and the IS-23 satellite

October 14 at 12:37 MSK from Baikonur to Start carrier rocket Proton-M with the upper stage (RB) "Breeze-M" and telecommunication spacecraft (SC) Intelsat-23.

We had a successful liftoff about 11 minutes ago of the ILS Proton M Breeze M rocket, which is carrying the IS-23 satellite onboard. The three stages of the Proton vehicle have performed as planned, and it is up to the Breeze M upper stage to complete the mission. The upper stage has begun its first burn.

According to cyclogram flight at 12:46 MSK was divested head unit (upper stage Briz-M and SC Intelsat-23 from the third stage of the launch vehicle.


RB Breeze-M spacecraft began breeding Intelsat-23 on the target orbit.

Original press relase by Roscomos: http://www.federalspace.ru/main.php?id=2&nid=19601

More information about Intelsat-23 Mission Control, visit: http://www.ilslaunch.com/mission-control/mission-intelsat-23

Image, Video, Text, Credits: Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscomos PAO) / ILS /  Intelsat.

Best regards, Orbiter.ch