ROSCOSMOS - Team of Russian Cosmonauts patch / ISS - International Space Station patch.
ISS - Russian segment description (The image does not match the current configuration)
On Wednesday, the Russian members of the crew of the International Space Station flight engineers Fyodor Yurchikhin and Alexander Misurkin spent the final training session before the spacewalk, during which definitively assessed the fit suits, attachments, and, of course, the performance itself space suits.
Spacesuit "Orlan-MK"
August 16 astronauts output will be from the docking module (DC1) "Pierce" space suits "Orlan-MK". At the allotted time, the program of work - more than six and a half hours, the Russian cosmonauts will have to perform a strip of sealing adapter (TA) to FGB MRM2 four power supply feeders for transmission to the power supply (SES) MLM AC power from the ISS, from FGB GA to MRM2 Ethernet cable for MLM and install the panel 2A (TBE "Endurance"). Upcoming - the second for Fedor and Alexander for the expedition.
Final testing of spacesuits
In the experiment, "Endurance" will establish the impact of space environment on deformation, strength and fatigue properties of materials samples exposed in the loaded and unloaded conditions.
But with such a reel with electrical cables astronauts have to work
Live broadcast of extravehicular activity will be carried out on the sites of the Mission Control Center and the Federal Space Agency and NASA TV.
ROSCOSMOS Press Release: http://www.federalspace.ru/main.php?id=2&nid=20273
The Aug. 16 spacewalk, NASA TV coverage will begin at 10 a.m. EDT.
NASA will broadcast live the spacewalk at the following link: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/
Images, Text, Credits: Press Service of the Russian Federal Space Agency (Roscomos PAO) / ROSCOSMOS / NASA / Translation: Orbiter.ch Aerospace.
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