mardi 26 juillet 2022

Russia will leave the ISS and have its own Space Station


ISS - International Space Station emblem.

July 26, 2022

The new head of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, Yuri Borísov, confirmed on Tuesday Moscow's plans to leave the International Space Station (ISS) after 2024. "We are going to fulfill our obligations to partners, but the decision of leaving the ISS after 2024 is already taken," Borisov said during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. In this way, Russia will begin to build its own orbital station, so it will continue to work with it until it has its own infrastructure ready, something that will happen in 2025.

International Space Station (ISS). Image Credit: NASA

The Kremlin spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, has reiterated that the decision to abandon the orbital platform has not been made now, but has already been approved by the Russian government. Thus, at the beginning of May, the Russian space agency and the Energia corporation, the main Russian manufacturer of rockets and spacecraft, signed a contract for the design of the sketches of the future Russian orbital station (ROSS). According to the Russian state procurement portal, the amount of the project amounts to 2.7 billion rubles (38.9 million dollars or 37 million euros). The first module of the new station is scheduled to be launched into orbit in 2025, and it would take a decade to complete its configuration.

Old and without a future: Russia's reasons for abandoning the Space Station

The project will be carried out in two phases: the first foresees the analysis of variants of location and angle of the orbit, the calculation of delivery costs of 1 kilogram of cargo to the station, the siting of the initial configuration of the station and the transfer of spacecraft from the EOR orbit to a lunar orbit. The second will include the development of the project at the level of sketches and technical tasks of several variants of the future station. It will also include the study of the possibilities of communication with the station, the issues related to the preparation of the crews and the operation in the non-piloted and piloted spacecrafts.

 ROSS, the (future) new Russian Space Station?

Shortly before leaving office, the former leader of Roscosmos, Dmitri Rogozin, already warned that the resumption of negotiations on the extension of the orbital platform's useful life would be possible only in the event of the lifting of US sanctions against the sector. Russian space.

Editor's note:

As a reminder, Roscosmos is on the verge of bankruptcy, with its (self) exclusion from all international projects and partners and the sanctions due to the war in Ukraine, so Roscosmos was already in great difficulty before the war and now it is worse . The allocated budgets are derisory and all these beautiful projects exist only on paper or at best in life-size models. And Putin's priorities are to replenish his stocks of missiles already well used during the war.

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International Space Station (ISS) Partners:


ROSCOSMOS - International Space Station (ISS):

European Space Agency (ESA):

ESA - International Space Station (ISS):

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA):

JAXA - International Space Station (ISS):

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):

NASA - International Space Station (ISS):

Images, Text, Credits: ROSCOSMOS/El Confidential/ Aerospace/Roland Berga.
