ISS - International Space Station patch / JAXA - KIBO Japanese Experiment Module patch.
The series of joint Russian-Japanese experiments Aquarium -AQH, without exaggeration, is one and the most important experimental steps in recent years. This is one of the first studies that evaluates the "pure" effect of space flight on the work of the genetic apparatus of vertebrate and invertebrate aquatic organisms on an example of the Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) and chironomid larvae (Polypedilum vanderplanki).
Experiment Aquarium-AQH carried out in accordance with the program of Russian scientific and applied research. On the Russian side in the works according to experiments involving SRC RF-IBMP RAS, RSC Energia SP Korolev, Moscow State University, Research Institute of Human Morphology, Kazan Federal University.
Study Aquarium-AQH differs from the vast majority of biological experiments, which were carried out on the ISS, the following key points:
- The animals spend a lot of time in space under a constant temperature control and water quality in aquariums, and the possible impact on the results of the experiments stress from their delivery on board is reduced to almost zero;
- Fixation of biological material passes directly aboard the space station with the use of reagents for stabilization of RNA and DNA.
Equipment Aquarium-AQH on board module "Kibo"
This completely avoids the effects of stress on the descent living samples to Earth. Thus, the net effect singled out the animal's stay in prolonged space flight on genetics.
Objects of the first series of experiments, the research Aquarium-AQH are Japanese medaka fish Oryzias latipes. This experiment was designed and implemented with the latest advances in genomic technologies. Medaka fish genome was decoded a few years ago, at the same time allowing to reliably estimate the expression (activity) of all genes in space and terrestrial samples.
The experiment uses the best platform to date genome-sequencing (reading from the entire genome) HiSeq 2500 (Illumina) to obtain a complete profile of genetic expression. A total of 14 pairs of genome-wide expression profiles (more than 60 million reads per sample) allowed a high-performance analysis:
- The formation of unique space for expression profiles for individual organs;
- Identification of organ- specific markers of stress activated during space flight;
- Evaluation of the device to stabilize and repair the DNA to identify the potential risk of the cosmic radiation.
Such genome-wide data using fish recorded directly during space flight, were obtained for the first time in the history of space biology .
Researchers initially assumed that the conditions of space flight will have a minimal impact on the operation of the genetic apparatus of fish, because the aquatic habitat implies a possible compensation from the stress of microgravity.
Fish in space flight
Onboard footage showed that from a behavioral point of view of the fish completely adapted to the conditions of flight, however, the comparative analysis of juvenile fish earth and space group was found 418 genes significantly increase the activity in space flight. One of the unexpected results was the analysis of genes whose activity is decreased in the fry in spaceflight. There were found 195 genes.
Currently, Russian and Japanese scientists conducted an analysis of genetic data from different organs of adult fish after months in space flight. One of the potential performance may be the identification of specific regulatory regions in the genome, specifically reacting to conditions of space flight and determine the decrease in the activity of muscle and other proteins.
This approach is a deep analysis of genome-wide strategy is highly effective for identifying potential genetic risks for astronauts.
Second joint Russian-Japanese experiment under Aquarium -AQH aims to take advantage of resting stages of aquatic organisms to understand the effects of spaceflight on organ and tissue reorganization during metamorphosis of insects.
In this case, a phenomenon cryptobiosis - organisms delivered on board completely dehydrated state and reactivated by adding water.
Container for revitalizing mosquito larvae on board the ISS
Model object serves African chironomid Polypedilum vanderplanki-kind of chironomids. The larvae of this insect is adapted to complete dehydration, and come back to life for 30-40 minutes after adding water.
Larvae in dehydrated state has a unique resistance to abiotic stresses, including radiation and vacuum. They were used in the series of experiments "Biorisk" and "Expose-R" in open space. It has been experimentally proved that terrestrial organisms such a complex level of organization can survive for years in open space.
In 2013 was completed genome African chironomids larvae included in the second experiment Aquarium-AQH. Larvae were reactivated on the ISS, the process of recovery and their life cycle was recorded on high-resolution video camera. After recovery of the space larvae were preserved and sent back to Earth for further genetic studies.
Two experiments Aquarium-AQH can be considered as components of a single unit of genetic research program "traskriptomika Space", which will allow for a few years to create a consolidated database for eukaryotic genomes work (in cells with nucleus) organisms in space flight.
ROSCOSMOS Press Release: http://www.federalspace.ru/20652/
Images, Text, Credits: Roscosmos press service / ROSCOSMOS / Translation: Orbiter.ch Aerospace.
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