lundi 25 octobre 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - Homestatic ark as the main tool in space exploration strategy. Part 22


Human Space Expansion logo.

Oct. 25, 2021



Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Leading research fellow, Nation- al Development Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Member of the First Parliament of Asgardia, Moscow, Russia,


In human phylogenesis gravity is the only and absolute skeletogenous factor. Under microgravity conditions the absence of gravity inevitably leads to the bony skeleton deterioration that is in no way compatible with hemopoiesis processes in the red bone marrow.

Space radiation is the root cause of radiation- induced cancer listed in the passional of astronauts, cosmonauts and candidates. Such type of cancer appears twice more often than usually in the same age groups.

In the author’s opinion only providing homeostatic arks are engineered humankind will be able to settle all space.

Keywords: homeostatic ark, International Homeostatic Ark (IHA), microgravity, red marrow critical mass, hypoxia, hypoxemia, homeorhesis.

Necessary conditions for space expansion

The force of gravity in human phylogeny is the only and absolute skeleton-forming factor. Its absence under conditions of microgravity (weightlessness) leads to degradation of the bone skeleton, and this is completely incompatible with the processes of hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow.

In newborns under microgravity conditions, in their ontogeny (abbreviated repetition of phylogenesis, that is, in the process of development of an individual organism from fertilization (during sexual reproduction) or from the moment of separation from the maternal individual (during asexual reproduction) to the end of life, in contrast to its historical phylogenesis ) - a normal skeleton will never form. Having been born outside the conditions of the Earth's gravity, they cannot live on the Earth's surface in the conditions of its normal gravity (1 g).

Such newborns will have weak cartilaginous skeletons of a kind of "fish of space" - that is, total rickets with a sharp slowdown in the activity of ossification points. If they get back to Earth, the Earth's gravity will crush them like fish caught from great depths.

Freeman John Dyson does not take into account the factor of gravity in his scientific works. He proposes to send not people to colonize new planets, but their embryos along with a robot baby. In the same way, in his opinion, it is possible to transport all living organisms - from bacteria to animals (project "Noah's Ark" [1]).

At the same time, the adaptation of the human body to hard cosmic radiation is, in principle, impossible. It destroys the process of generating erythrocytes, disrupts the synthesis of hemoglobin. Therefore, the cells of the body begin to experience hypoxia (lack of oxygen) from hypoxemia, and a person dies with increasing symptoms of suffocation.

Clinically, it looks like "causeless" instant death from cardiac arrest. According to the martyrology of astronauts, cosmonauts and candidates given below, the cause of death of 28 people was acute heart failure, and another 15 people died from the consequences of stroke and myocardial infarction, which developed against the background of gradually increasing hypoxia from hypoxemia.

43 people died from hypoxia due to hypoxemia (almost as many as 44 people died from cancer). These are two main, equilibrium (20% for each) causes of death from the effects of space flight factors on a person.

Hard space radiation, as one of the leading factors of space flight (along with microgravity), suppresses the entire immune system of the body, the synthesis of leukocytes and platelets, plasma cells, the work of lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue, spleen and adrenal cortex.

Cosmic radiation is the root cause of radiation-induced cancers listed in the Astronaut, Cosmonaut and Candidate Martyrology. The frequency of their occurrence is at least twice as high as the statistical average in similar age groups.

According to the author, humanity will be able to populate the entire cosmos only by creating homeostatic arks. Outside of these arks, it cannot exist in space.

The ideas of Elon Musk, Bas Lansdorp and Dennis Tito about the direct population of the planets of the solar system are unlikely to be consistent from the point of view of modern theory of space medicine.

Due to the significantly lower gravity on the surface of Mars, even with a sufficient supply of oxygen brought from Earth, astronauts-astronauts will begin to die by the end of the first year from a lack of oxygen in the blood (from hypoxemia) due to the increasing destruction of the red bone marrow and gradual destruction of the bones of the skeleton.

For the development of the planets of the solar system, it is necessary to create a homeostatic ark, in which the homeoresis of human ontogenesis is maintained, with a constant artificial gravity of about 1 g.

Today in the world there is no alternative to international design and construction by the whole world of a homeostatic ark (MGK) instead of the outdated ISS [2, 3].

I. Why is artificial gravity necessary?

The hematopoietic system is a system of organs responsible for the constancy of the blood composition. The main function of the hematopoietic organs is the constant replenishment of the cellular elements of the blood - hematopoiesis, or hematopoiesis (lat.haemopoiesis).

The main components of the hematopoietic system are the red bone marrow, lymph nodes and the spleen. In the red bone marrow, erythrocytes, various forms of leukocytes and platelets are formed. Lymph nodes are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis, producing lymphocytes, plasma cells. The spleen is composed of red and white pulp [4].

The life span of erythrocytes in humans is 100–120 days. Red blood cells contain hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to all cells and tissues of the body.

Erythrocytes are formed intravascularly (inside the vessels) in the sinuses of the red bone marrow. The hematopoietic part of the skeleton accounts for 45% of the skeleton weight and up to 7% of the body weight.

The process of land development by animals that emerged from the water led to the development of a special phenomenon in them - red bone marrow - as a direct consequence of the force of gravity acting on land creatures on the surface of the Earth.

Therefore, a decrease in the level of gravity, which occurs in certain phases of space travel, leads to degradation of the red bone marrow and disturbances in the processes of hematopoiesis.

The critical mass for skeletal bone loss, based on empirical data, is about 15%. This indicator absolutely limits a person's stay in a state of microgravity (which takes place in zero gravity on board a satellite, in particular on the ISS).

Each person has strictly individual capabilities for the regeneration of the hematopoietic part of the skeleton. The six months spent by astronauts in zero gravity aboard the Mir space station resulted in a loss of cancellous bone mass in the distal tibia from 2% to 24%.

After 4–6 months of space flight, the mineral density of the bones of astronauts-cosmonauts decreases so much that upon their return to Earth they often develop spontaneous fractures of the bones of the skeleton under ordinary earthly loads.

Bones lose calcium unevenly. Most of it is washed out from the areas of bone that form the joints. It also slows down the process of remodeling - the constant renewal of bone tissue.

The cardiovascular system is the most gravitationally sensitive system in the human body, it is designed for stable operation only under conditions of constant gravity of the Earth.

The lack of gravity leads to a decrease in blood volume, soft veins, weakened baroreceptor reflexes and reduced orthostatic stability of the body.

The most dangerous for a person is the rapid development of atrophy of the heart muscle and general anemia of the hematopoietic system.

Examinations of astronauts during space flights lasting several months have shown that they can lose an average of 0.5-1% of red bone mass every month, even if they continue to train.

This means that the critical limit for the possibility of restoring the loss of the red bone part of the skeleton is no more than 15 months of continuous exposure to microgravity. If a person, for any reason, exceeds this critical limit, then upon returning to Earth, he will either die or remain disabled.

Cosmonaut Valeri Polyakov is the only person in the world who has been at the Mir station for more than 14 months (437 days - 14.56 months) [5].

He experimentally de facto reached a critical state of suppression of the hematopoietic function of his skeleton under microgravity conditions?


The projects of Dennis Tito (Inspiration Mars Foundation) and Bas Lansdorp (Mars One), which do not take into account this critical factor, do not seem to be real. It is unlikely that Elon Musk will be able to populate Mars with a million settlers from Earth.

Gravity on Mars is about 40% (0.378 g) of the level of gravity on Earth (on the Moon, gravity is about 16.5% (0.165 g)). The bone tissue of the settlers on Mars will gradually decrease in approximately the same proportion (100% –40% = 60%), and the critical loss in terms of the proportion of red bone marrow will be approximately two times less ({60 * 0.45} / 15 = 1.8).

Accordingly, the bone mass of migrants on the Moon will be about 84.5% (100% -16.5% = 84.5%) less, that is, about two and a half times less than the critical mass in terms of the mass of red bone marrow ( {84.5 * 0.45} / 15 = 2.535).

The substance of red bone marrow can function at a critical level of loss of its mass of no more than 7.5-15% (the size of the individual range) of its total amount. Further, increasing hypoxemia will develop.

Will the migrants lose approximately such a critical mass of red bone marrow only during the flight to Mars (the period of real flights today is from 128 to 333 days), if this entire flight takes place in microgravity?

Due to the significantly lower gravity on the surface of Mars, even with a sufficient supply of oxygen brought from the Earth, will astronauts-astronauts-astronauts begin to die by the end of the first year from a lack of oxygen in the blood due to the destruction of hematopoiesis in the red bone marrow?

And it will take at least 33 months for a round-trip flight [6], which is about twice the theoretically calculated critical level of 450 days (about 15 months) for a person to be in microgravity?

Proceeding from this, humanity will be able to live normally only in constant orbits (including at the points of libration) around these planets and their satellites in mobile homeostatic arks with constant artificial gravity, and for a short time periodically visit important industrial facilities located on their surface and in the depths. which will be constantly serviced exclusively by robots [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15].

(It is possible to build stationary homeostatic arks directly on the planets themselves or their satellites, but not on all of them. Such a proposal was made by Mayboroda.)

To master the planets of the solar system, it is necessary to create a homeostatic ark, which supports the homeoresis of human ontogenesis (maintaining constancy in developing systems based on the dialectical interaction of positive and negative feedback) [16, 17], with a constant artificial gravity of about 1 g.

The inhabitants of the homeostatic ark must maintain the homeostasis of all biological and physiological parameters of the organism, exactly the same as that took place on Earth.

Such an inhabited homeostatic ark should be equipped with powerful (passive) mechanical and (active) automatic electromagnetic protection (screen) from ionizing cosmic radiation, which is also incompatible with the work of the hematopoietic organs.

What is the scientific novelty in this proposal? The first scientific projects of human space settlements were put forward by K. Tsiolkovsky [18] and F. Zander [19]. The listing of these projects is a separate historical topic.

Our interests lie in the technological plane of a fundamentally new layout of space platforms intended for permanent residence of people in space. This should be a conceptual technological replacement of modern temporary visiting stations (SVP) of the Mir and ISS type at station-ships of permanent residence (SPP).

The proposed NGN should have the following characteristics:

1) Constant artificial gravity of about 1 g, which will allow not to limit the maximum critical period of stay in space by about 15 months (about 450 days);

2) Massive lead protection of living quarters, which reduces the level of cosmic radiation by 350-500 times, thereby bringing the intensity of the impact closer to the level of cosmic radiation on the Earth's surface at sea level; as well as exosuits with full protection from cosmic radiation for unlimited time in open space;

3) A nuclear power plant in addition to solar panels;

4) Nuclear engines in addition to traditional ones;

5) SPP should become space city-ships with a full regeneration cycle;

6) NGN will be collected in the Earth's orbit for a long time, therefore this project is costly and, therefore, should become international. These should be real industrial "space shipyards" ("production of means of production").

7) All objects in space, both inhabited and uninhabited (automatic), must use a single unified standard time standard in the form of a civil digital calendar, which is stabilized by an atomic clock of high stability.

Figure. 1. Stanford toroidal (ring) version of the space colony, artist William-Black


II. Why is complete protection from cosmic radiation necessary?

In the absence of an atmospheric layer to protect people on Earth, astronauts on the ISS are exposed to more than 350 times the intense cosmic radiation. During the day, the crew members receive a dose of radiation approximately equivalent to human exposure on Earth per year (in the amount of about 0.3, 0.8 or 1.0 millisievert (mSv)) [20].

For a standard 180 days of flight, the cosmonaut gains from 50 to 150 mSv. This is the amount of radiation that a person will receive if they do X-rays 150–400 times in six months (which is equivalent to one or two X-ray examinations daily). After 40 x-ray examinations, the risk of lung cancer, according to statistics, increases by 50–70% (and after 400 x-ray examinations (67 times a month) this risk increases 5–7 times).

In just 60 years [21] (from July 26, 1958 to April 23, 2018), 44 cosmonauts-astronauts and a candidate for space flight have died from direct oncological diseases in the world (of which 20, or 45.45%, are from Russia ), 28 died from acute heart failure, 15 died from stroke (as well as myocardial infarction) and its (their) consequences, which amounted to a total of 87 people (43 + 44 = 87), or 40.1% of the total number of 217 deaths (of which 107, or 49.3% of the total, are from Russia). On average, in Russia in ordinary groups of the population, this indicator is more than two times lower and is equal to 16.6% [22].

Women are less likely to suffer from hearing loss in old age, with no bias towards left ear failure

Women show a slight bias towards speech accuracy

More powerful immunity.

More often struvite stones form in the kidneys.

So far, none of the women have shown clinically significant visual impairments.

More susceptible to orthostatic instability.

Urinary tract infections are more common.

Huge individual variability in muscle loss and bone mass.

Today, the standard for the annual permissible dose of radiation for crew members is 500 mSv. And there is also a general limit accumulated during all flights: 1000 mSv.

At the same time, in the nuclear industry in Russia, the permitted standard annual radiation dose does not exceed 20 mSv. Ionizing radiation adversely affects the hematopoietic and other cells of the immune system.

Cosmonaut V. V. Vasyutin's cosmic radiation induced prostate cancer, from which he later died? Instead of the calculated 282, the flight was interrupted on the 64th day.

“The flight was interrupted at the request of the doctors in connection with the dangerous painful condition of VV Vasyutin due to urological disease. General Designer Academician V.P. GLUSHKO. November 28, 1985 "(arch. No. 266, fol. 17–20) [23].

Some men had clinically significant visual impairments.

Less susceptible to orthostatic instability.

Less common are urinary tract infections.

Huge individual variability in muscle loss and bone mass.

Men are more likely to suffer from hearing loss in the elderly age, mainly in the left ear.

Men show a slight bias towards speech accuracy.

Weaker immunity.

More often, oxalate stones form in the kidneys.


“The locomotive of space expansion has already been launched. Today we cannot list all the changes that truly global space exploration will bring, just as it was impossible to accurately predict how much mass computerization will change civilization ”[24].

At the moment, the ISS project has fully completed its historical mission. His age is over. The era of initial space exploration ended with a sad martyrology of 217 cosmonauts and candidates for space flight in 60 years (1958–2018), which cannot but make us think.

The creation of a homeostatic ark is a new global direction in space exploration. It is a powerful locomotive of the historical progress of civilization.

The ideas of Elon Musk, Bas Lansdorp and Dennis Tito about the direct population of the planets of the solar system are unlikely to be consistent from the point of view of modern theory of space medicine.

Today there is no alternative to international design and construction by the whole world of the International Homeostatic Ark (IGC) instead of the outdated ISS. A fundamentally new era of the primacy of astropolitics over geopolitics is coming.

The goal of civilization is the total industrialization of space, which is a direct consequence of the industrialization on Earth, which began with the first voyage of Columbus and the discovery of the New World.

The entire economy of the Earth will gradually be subordinated to this new task, which will inevitably lead to a complete reorganization of the modern political structure of society on the entire planet (will lead to the emergence of a new cosmic ideology of the sixth socio-economic formation)?

The tasks of the specific geopolitics of each country of mankind will objectively be formed by the highest supra-country tasks of the astropolitics of civilization.



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© Morozov S., 2018

History of the article:

Received: 31.07.2018 Accepted: 08.08.2018

Moderator: L.A. Gess

Conflict of interest: none

For citation:

Morozov S.L. Homeostatic Ark as the Main Tool in the Strategy of Space Exploration. 2018. No. 3 (96). S. 28–37.

Sergey Lvovich Morozov - the author of the Asgardian space calendar

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich.

List of publications on Space News (Archives):

Exodus of civilization into space - Ideology of space expansion. Part 21

Exodus of civilization into space - On the issue of standardization of the uniform space time of the Asgardian calendar in the AIS and the UN. Part 20

Exodus of civilization into space - The US decided to overtake China? "Plus the renewable electrification of the whole country?". Part 19.1

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century? Part 18.1.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Homeostatic Ark & Permanent bases on the Moon and Mars. Part 18.5

Exodus of civilization into space - American Jobs Plan. Part 18.4

Exodus of civilization into space - The space age of civilization began its new Third stage (civil). Part 18.3

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - Ideology of the UN in the XXI Century. Part 18.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century. Part 18.1

Space Toilet and Problems of Intestinal Stick Infection. Part 17.7

Three Historical Stages of Cosmonautics Development. Part 17.6

Brief Background to Selenopolitics (Industrial Colonization of the Moon). Part 17.5

Exodus of civilization into space - Creation of the first ever mobile homeostatic ark (HA) in the USA. Part 16

Exodus of civilization into space - Apocalypse; View from the UK. Part 15

Exodus of civilization into space - Comparison of plans of NASA and Roscosmos. Part 14

The ideology of space expansion - The question of pregnancy and childbirth in zero gravity. Part 17.4

Colonization of the Moon - The source of the power, wealth and power of civilization in the Universe. Part 17.3

Space manned industrialization of the XXI century - the golden age of civilization. Part 17.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks. Part 17.1

Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9

Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8

Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7

Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. & Asgardia Member of Parliament (AMP) Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Aerospace, by Roland Berga, Asgardia Member of Parliament (AMP), Founder & Owner of Aerospace.

Best regards,