mercredi 10 novembre 2021

Exodus of civilization into space - Standard space calendar of Asgardia as a reference calendar of civilization. Part 24


Humanity Space Expansion logo.

Nov.10, 2021

Image above: Sergey Lvovich MOROZOV, Candidate of Medical Sciences,


Man lives in time and space, and already in ancient times he realized the need to measure time and length - the characteristics of space.

To measure is to compare the measured quantity with another quantity of the same kind, called a unit of measurement. This unit should be a clearly defined and unchanging quantity - a standard.

A science called metrology deals with the creation of standards. The meter is taken as the standard of length. The second is taken as the standard of time, the calendar is taken as the standard of the length of the year.

For the first time in history, we have Asgardia's civil solar tropical 7-position calendar, which is perfectly accurate to averages up to 7 decimal places in relation to the average duration of a tropical solar year.

It has been operating since 2019 in automatic mode on the official website of Asgardia in all time zones simultaneously, and synchronized with the atomic clock of the uniform International Atomic Time (TAI).

The Asgardia Institute of Standards (AIS) has developed a preliminary standard for the world's first space reference civil mathematical digital 13-month 7-position calendar, which can be used as the world reference standard UN calendar.

Key words: Asgardia calendar standard at Asgardia Standards Institute (AIS); standard 13-month digital civil reference 7-position calendar; world reference standard calendar of the United Nations.

Abstract. Man lives in time and space, and already in ancient times there was a need to measure time and length - characteristics of space.

To measure means to compare a measured quantity with another quantity of the same kind, called a unit of measurement. This unit should be a clearly defined and unchangeable value - a standard.

The science called metrology is engaged in the creation of standards. A meter is taken as the standard of length. A second is taken as the standard of time, a calendar is taken as the standard of the duration of the year.

For the first time in history, we have the civil solar calendar of Asgardia, which is perfectly accurate in average values ​​up to the 7th decimal place relative to the average duration of a tropical solar year. It has been operating since 2019 in automatic mode on the official website of Asgardia worldwide in all time zones simultaneously, and is synchronized with the atomic clock of Uniform International Atomic Time (TAI).

The Asgardia Institute of Standards (AIS) has developed a preliminary standard for the world's first reference civil mathematical digital 13-month 7-position calendar, which can be used as the UN world reference standard calendar.

Keywords: Asgardia Calendar Standard at the Asgardia Institute of Standards (AIS); standard 13-month digital civil Reference 7-position calendar; UN World Reference Standard calendar.

Uniform reference time tracking on Earth and in space in the form of a space calendar is an important condition for the formation of the sixth socio-economic formation. It is also called “astronautical” or “information-space”, or “digital”, or “fifth technological order” or “new world economic order”.

The founder of the modern mathematical direction in calendar theory is the German astronomer and mathematician Karl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855). In 1832, Gauss created the world's first scientific system of standard reference units of measurement - an absolute system of measures, consisting of three measures (time, mass and length) [1].

In 1799, Gauss developed a mathematical method (algorithm) for determining the date of the celebration of the Jewish Passover and the Christian Passover for any year: for both the Julian and Gregorian calendars [2].

DI. Mendeleev was a follower of Gauss and the forerunner of modern metrology and standardization in Russia. Since 1892, he headed the Depot of Exemplary Weights and Measures (later - the Main Chamber of Weights and Measures of the Russian Empire, the prototype of all modern institutions of standards and measurement standards, exemplary weights and measures). In 1899, Mendeleev drew attention to the absence of a single world standard of annual (calendar) time throughout the history of civilization. He proposed, within the framework of the Russian Academy of Sciences, to adopt a 12-month Julian analog calendar in the version of the German astronomer I.G. Mädler (Johann Heinrich von Mädler, 1794-1874) [3].

But in 1907 Mendeleev died. In 1909, an honorary member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, American admiral and astronomer Simon Newcomb (1835-1909), who was a friend of Mendeleev and curator of the entire project of the new calendar in Russia, died. In 1914, the First World War began, and the calendar project was temporarily forgotten in Russia.

In 1925, Soviet professor N.I. Idelson in the book "History of the calendar" [4]. But his attempt to improve the 12-month analog calendar of Medler was deadlocked and had no result.

In April 1956, at the 21st session of the UN Economic and Social Council, at the initiative of the Government of India, the issue of adopting an improved world calendar based on the Gregorian analogue Catholic calendar of 1582, which is the intellectual property of the Vatican, was discussed as a civil standard reference. The final resolution of the issue was then postponed. The issue has not been resolved until today due to the special clerical position of the Vatican.

The digital civil tropical 13-month (7-position) space calendar of Asgardia, proposed by the author in [5], is the first reference standard world calendar of civilization, built on the leap formula (31/128) - the "Morozov calendar constant" - and on the principle calendar equivalence. This calendar is civil and does not serve any clerical cults.

It has no error in relation to the mean tropical solar year, first calculated by the astronomer-mathematician Kepler [6] in 1627. The duration of the Kepler average tropical year was 365 (31/128) days = 365.2421875 days = 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds = 31,556,925 seconds.

The Gregorian calendar lags behind the average tropical solar year by 27 seconds per year (its duration is 31,556,952 seconds). The Julian is 675 seconds behind the average tropical solar year (the Julian year is 31,557,600 seconds).

For the first time in history, we have a solar civil tropical 7-point calendar that is perfectly accurate to averages up to 7 decimal places in relation to the average tropical solar year.

It officially works since 2019 in automatic mode on the Asgardia website in all time zones simultaneously and synchronized with the atomic clock of the uniform International Atomic Time (TAI).

The Asgardia Institute of Standards has developed a preliminary standard for a reference digital civil mathematical calendar [7].

Articles 32, 42 and 50 of the Constitution of Asgardia [] are dedicated to the Asgardian calendar. In Decree 2 [8] the Asgardian calendar is defined in the draft; in Decree 38 [9] and in Decree 46 [10], it is officially put into effect.

For more information on the Asgardian calendar, see [11], [12], [13].

The average length of the Asgardian calendar year is exactly equal to the average length of the astronomical tropical year - 365 (31/128) days = 365.2421875 days = 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds = 31,556,925 seconds.

A single universal mathematical model (formula) for calculating the duration of the tropical year (L) for all existing types of calendars is as follows:

L = (integer part) + (fractional part) = CONST + const = K + MCC = K + μ = K + [α + (± β)] = 365+ μ = K + KP = 365 + KP;


L is the total duration of the tropical year in whole numbers and fractions of a day; K = CONST is the base length of the year in whole numbers of days.

For the conditions of the planet Earth, K = 365 days;

α is the accuracy of the calendar;

± β - system error value

μ = α + (± β) = КР = MCC - Morozov calendar constant (constant) (MCC).

μ = МСС = КР - the universal standard calendar constant for any rotating space object such as planets, satellites, stars, galaxies, galaxy systems revolving around a certain center of mass.

μ = МСС = КР is always a constant value, a standard that is calculated as a simple sum of the accuracy coefficient "α" and the system error "± β" for a given space object.

The universal standard "Morozov's calendar constant" is a new cosmological parameter of "calendar astronomy" that characterizes the movement of time on any particular space object (satellite, planet, star, galaxy, group of galaxies) revolving around a common center of rotation (center of mass).

The numerical value of the "Morozov calendar constant" for the planet Earth is (with an accuracy of 7 decimal places):

MCC = KP = μ = const = α + (± β) = 31/128 = 0.2421875 days = 5 hours 48 minutes 45 seconds (per year). It is obvious that: [α + (± β)] - μ = 0.

The universal reference standard "Morozov's calendar constant", first introduced by the author [7], has the same meaning for calendar theory as the Hubble constant, or Boltzmann's constant, or Planck's constant for theoretical quantum physics, or the constancy of the speed of light in the theory of relativity, or Avogadro's number in chemistry.

The online calendar function on the Asgardia website has an automatic copy of the timestamp, which is essential for all blockchain-based systems, as well as for all data archiving and statistics systems, for all automatic processing systems for large and extra-large databases.

The Asgardian calendar uses the principle of calendar equivalence. All known calendars of the world have a rigidly fixed grid of days of the week (from Sunday to Saturday). In this case, the series of numbers of calendar days from the 1st (one) to the 365th and (366th day in a leap year) are movable. They are shifted annually by one position in a regular year and by two positions in each year following a leap year.

In the calendar of Asgardia, the reverse order is applied: the grid of the days of the week of the Gregorian calendar is made movable, and the series of numbers in both the Gregorian and the universal cosmic matrices are rigidly fixed relative to each other. The grid of days of the week in the Gregorian calendar changes annually by one position in a regular non-leap year and by two positions in each year following a leap year.

Astronomically, these transformations are completely equivalent (this is the principle of calendar equivalence). But economically, they fundamentally differ in the effective results of long-term network planning.

The Asgardia calendar is a fixed calendar based on:

* on the principle of calendar equivalence;

* on the calendar synchronization of the start date of the real (Gregorian) and ideal (space) year;

* on the Morozov calendar constant (31/128 days) when determining the frequency of leap years.

It fixes the beginning of each new year on the same date and on the same day of the week in a double universal matrix, that is, on the date "January 1" according to the Gregorian calendar, and on the date "1 Aquarius" according to the cosmic calendar. In addition, he rigidly fixes both number series (cosmic and Gregorian) relative to each other by introducing a movable grid of days of the week in the matrix of the Gregorian calendar.

The cosmic calendar with a cycle of 128 years in a paper version does not need to be reprinted every year for the entire 128 years of the cycle.

The introduction of the space standard reference calendar of Asgardia by Decree No. 38 [9] of Head of State Igor Ashurbeyli is of general civilizational significance.

It took mankind 2257 years (2019 + 238 = 2257), - from March 7, 238 BC. before Decree No. 38 of Asgardia, 16 Capricorn 0003 (December 18, 2019 AD), - to switch from the Egyptian calendar of the star Sirius (Julian in Rome) to the cosmic calendar of the star Sun (exact solar tropical calendar of Asgardia).

The Asgardia website maps the 12-month Gregorian calendar matrix to the 13-month space calendar matrix in one block throughout the year (January 1st to December 31st in the Gregorian calendar), allowing both calendars to be used at the same time. The Gregorian calendar is measured by a reference cosmic calendar.

Each month of the space calendar contains exactly 28 days. It is convenient both for planning astronavigation of space flights and for space medicine. All hormonal contraceptives used in space by female astronauts, in particular, are designed for a cycle of 28 days. ( (

Asgardia's space calendar is tied to the UTC-TAI scale. At the moment, the atomic time scale, built on the stable radiation of the isotope cesium-133, is the most accurate in the world. Its error does not exceed ± 1 second over a period of 300 million years.

The UTC scale was introduced in 1964. It is an evenly variable time scale - Coordinated Universal Time - that connects the UT1 (Observed Universal Time) scale and the Unified International Atomic Time (TAI) scale. When the discrepancy between UTC (TAI) and UT1 gradually increases to 0.9 seconds, the zero point is automatically corrected in a jump (quantum) - adding one (1) whole second to the year time at once.

Asgardia's calendar is stabilized by an atomic clock and is designed in such a way as to synchronously (simultaneously) show the same autonomous time in parallel on all spaceships and objects, including the Earth.

The Asgardian calendar is a purely solar digital calendar based on a rigorous mathematical model of the Earth's motion around the Sun.


All existing modern state calendars are outdated clerical standard calendars with relative accuracy (Julian, Gregorian, Muslim lunar, etc.) They are either lagging behind or ahead of the tropical year. All of them are not reference.

The Asgardian Space Calendar is the first ever civil digital standard 13-month 7-position reference calendar with unique precision to match the length of the tropical year. It can be a unit of measure (reference) for the year for any common standard calendars around the world.

The date of the beginning of the calendar countdown is January 1, 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. UTC is the basis of the Asgardian calendar and is based on the Unified Atomic Time Scale (TAI). All time sources (both GPS satellites and NTP servers) currently only report UTC time.

TAI, - Atomic Time, - Temps Atomique International - (1 atomic second is equal to 9 192 631 770 periods of radiation of the isotope of the cesium-133 atom) and is a unit of the international system (SI).

The Asgardian calendar can be used as the world reference standard calendar for the United Nations.

The Catholic calendar of the Vatican, revised in 1582, was intended to serve the global navigation of the fleet of sailing ships in the world's oceans of planet Earth in the era of great geographical discoveries in the vastness of the Earth (with travel speeds up to the first cosmic speed).

It turned out to be more accurate than the Julian calendar in relation to the average value of the duration of the tropical solar year by 648 seconds (675-27 = 648 seconds). This was the era of the heyday of capitalism and socialism (the fourth and fifth socio-economic formations).

The 2017 edition of the Asgardia calendar is designed to service the navigation of the fleet of spaceships in the Universe when the civilization colonizes the Moon and other objects of near and deep space in the era of the great Exodus of civilization into outer space (both with pre-space travel speeds, as well as with space travel speeds equal to and higher than the first cosmic speed - in this particular case, the circular speed of an artificial Earth satellite, equal to 7.9 km / s).

All existing calendars and associated time systems satisfactorily serve civilization in the range of speeds up to the first cosmic one (in the case of the Earth, this is 7.9 km / s). The space calendar can serve civilization both before and after reaching the first cosmic speed of movement of objects in space.

The cosmic calendar has no error in relation to the average value of the duration of the tropical solar year.

Therefore, a new space state begins with this cosmic civil calendar.

The era of the heyday of the sixth socio-economic formation (astronautical or information-space) has come.

The reference report card-calendar of Asgardia for the upcoming year 2022 according to the Gregorian calendar (0006 according to the calendar of Asgardia) -

Timetable-calendar of Asgardia for the coming 2022 according to the Gregorian calendar (0006 according to the calendar of Asgardia) -

Brief description of the Asgardian calendar

1) The Asgardia calendar is a civil space universal 13-month 7-position digital standard reference tropical calendar. The calendar began to operate on the date January 1, 2017 in the Gregorian calendar, which corresponds to the date 1 Aquarius 0001.

2) There are 13 months in the calendar, arranged in the order corresponding to the astronomical order of the constellations on the ecliptic of the Sun: I. Aquarius [Aquarius]; II. Fish [Pisces]; III. Aries [Aries]; IV. Taurus [Taurus]; V. Gemini [Gemini]; Vi. Cancer [Cancer]; Vii. Leo [Leo]; VIII. Virgo [Virgo]; IX. Libra [Libra]; X. Scorpio [Scorpius]; XI. Serpentarium [Ophiuchus]; XII. Sagittarius [Sagittarius]; XIII. Capricorn [Capricornus].

3) Each calendar month contains 28 days.

4) Each quarter contains 91 days.

5) The core of the year consists of 364 days, 52 weeks of 7 days in each week.

6) There is one additional 365 day of the year [ED] in each non-leap year and one duplicate of the additional 366 day of the year [EDD] in each leap year.

7) Extra days [day 365 and day 366] are conditionally incomplete 53rd week.

8) Each week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday.

9) The entire time axis is divided into uniform segments (cycles) of 128 years each.

10) In each cycle of 128 years, it has an average of 31 leap years and 97 non-leap years (leap formula: 31/128 days is the Morozov calendar constant).

11) Each cycle of 128 years has two types of calendar templates (two types of calendar matrices) - leap and common, which differ from each other only in the number of holidays before New Year's day (January 1 according to the Gregorian calendar and 1 Aquarius according to the Asgardian space calendar) : two holidays in a leap year and one in a non-leap year (we are talking about the holiday "Days of the Year of Asgardia" - see below).

12) The grid of days of the week of the Gregorian calendar from Sunday to Saturday is shifted in relation to the grid of days of the week of the cosmic calendar of Asgardia by one position in a non-leap year, and by two positions after each leap year.

13) "The frequency of repetition of" Duplicates of additional (that is, leap) days "[366 days of a leap year -" EDD "] is determined by the" Morozov calendar constant "[МСС = КР = μ = 31/128 days = 0.2421875 days = 20,925 seconds] ".

14) The program has no restrictions on the period of use; in this particular embodiment, it is designed for use for a period of 64,000 years between 30,500 BC. and 33500 AD (30,500 + 33,500 = 64,000 years).

15) Unlike the Gregorian calendar, every 3200 year since 1600 (e.g. 4800) is a common year.

16) January 1, 2013 is a special ("singular") base (anchor) point for all 128-year cycles of the (tropical) mathematical matrix of Asgardia.

17) Short entry form: 13 Virgo 0003 // July 28, 2019.

18) National Holidays of the State of Asgardia:

I. Asgardia's birthday is "5 Ophiuchus" (October 12 of each common year and October 11 of each leap year in the Gregorian calendar).

II. Asgardia Constitution Day [Asgardian National Unity Day] - "1 Leo" (June 18 of every common year and June 17 of every leap year in the Gregorian calendar).

III. The days of the year of Asgardia are every 365 days of every non-leap year (29 Capricornus; December 31 in the Gregorian calendar). And every 365 and 366 days of each leap year (29 and 30 Capricornus; 30 and 31 December Gregorian).

19) The calendar of Asgardia was preliminary put into effect by the Decree (Decree) No. 2 of the Head of the Nation dated 09.03.0001 (06.03.2017); approved by the Parliament of Asgardia 13 Virgo 0003 (28.07.2019) and finally introduced by Decree (Decree) No. 38 of 16 Capricornus 0003 (18.12.2019)

twenty). For more information on the calendar, visit the Asgardia Space Nation website at

Feedback (review) on the scientific work of S.L. Morozov "A single universal calendar for mankind" from the director of CEMI RAS, academician V.L. Makarov (17.01.2013 No. 14310/6215).


[1] Gauss Karl Friedrich // Great Soviet Encyclopedia: [in 30 volumes] / ed. A.M. Prokhorov - 3rd ed. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 1971. - T. 6: Gaslift - Gogolevo. - S. 144-145.

2] Kulikov S. The thread of times. Small encyclopedia of a calendar with notes on the margins of newspapers. - M .: Science. Ch. ed. physical-mat. lit., 1991 .-- 288 p. - 200,000 copies - ISBN 5-02-014563-7.

[3] Medler I. About the reform of the calendar // Journal of the Ministry of Public Education. 1864. Part 121. Dept. Vi. S. 9–21.

[4] Idelson N. I. History of the calendar / N. Idelson, astronomer Leningrad. astronomer. in-that. - L .: Scientific. book, 1925 .-- 176 p .: ill.

[5] Morozov S.L. (Moscow) Universal mathematical model of the length of a calendar year for all types of stock calendars. Calendar constant. Economics and Mathematical Methods, 2015, 51 (1), 109-129.

[6] Meeus J., Savoie D. (1992). The History of the Tropical Year. Journal of the British Astronomical Association 102 (1), 40–42; Secular Terms of the Classical Planetary Theories Using the Results of General Theory. Astronomy and Astrophysics 157, 59–70.

[7]. Asgardian Calendar. The Asgardia Institute of Standards (AIS). Asgardian Calendar. Version 0.3, Draft. October 3, 202.

[8] Decree No. 2 of Asgardia dated 09.03.0001 (06.03.2017).

[9] Decree No. 38 of Asgardia, 16 Capricorn 0003 (December 18, 2019).

[10] Decree No. 46 of Asgardia, 21 Libra 0004 (01 September 2020).

[11] Morozov S.L. The Asgardian calendar and its role in the Space Industrialization Strategy. Aerospace Journal (ASJ) 2019, Vol. 99, 2, pp. 10-19.

[12] Sergei L Morozov. Asgardia’s calendar and its role in space industrialisation strategy. ROOM, Space Journal of Asgardia, Autumn #3(21) 2019, pp. 66-72.

[13] Morozov S.L. Standard 13-month I. Medler - D.I. Mendeleev - S.L. Morozov reference calendar and its application for the industrialization of space society. Monograph - M .: LLC "VASH FORMAT", 2019. - 260 p. (Rus). ISBN 978-5-907092-99-0.

© Morozov S.L., 2021

Sergey Lvovich Morozov - the author of the Asgardian space calendar

Author: Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich.

List of publications on Space News (Archives):

Exodus of civilization into space - Homestatic ark as the main tool in space exploration strategy. Part 22

Exodus of civilization into space - Ideology of space expansion. Part 21

Exodus of civilization into space - On the issue of standardization of the uniform space time of the Asgardian calendar in the AIS and the UN. Part 20

Exodus of civilization into space - The US decided to overtake China? "Plus the renewable electrification of the whole country?". Part 19.1

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century? Part 18.1.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Homeostatic Ark & Permanent bases on the Moon and Mars. Part 18.5

Exodus of civilization into space - American Jobs Plan. Part 18.4

Exodus of civilization into space - The space age of civilization began its new Third stage (civil). Part 18.3

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - Ideology of the UN in the XXI Century. Part 18.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Selenic Strategy - UN Ideology in the XXI Century. Part 18.1

Space Toilet and Problems of Intestinal Stick Infection. Part 17.7

Three Historical Stages of Cosmonautics Development. Part 17.6

Brief Background to Selenopolitics (Industrial Colonization of the Moon). Part 17.5

Exodus of civilization into space - Creation of the first ever mobile homeostatic ark (HA) in the USA. Part 16

Exodus of civilization into space - Apocalypse; View from the UK. Part 15

Exodus of civilization into space - Comparison of plans of NASA and Roscosmos. Part 14

The ideology of space expansion - The question of pregnancy and childbirth in zero gravity. Part 17.4

Colonization of the Moon - The source of the power, wealth and power of civilization in the Universe. Part 17.3

Space manned industrialization of the XXI century - the golden age of civilization. Part 17.2

Exodus of civilization into space - Humanity's strategy to create stationary and mobile Homeostatic arks. Part 17.1

Exodus of civilization into space - Tsiolkovsky Galactic State. Part 9

Exodus of civilization into space - Symbol of the End of the XXI century. Part 8

Exodus of civilization into space - Stopping the process of increasing value added. Part 7

Exodus of civilization into space - The sixth socio-economic formation of civilization. Part 6

Exodus of civilization into space - Space man. Part 5

Exodus of civilization into space - Biological End of the World. Part 4

Exodus of civilization into space - Geochronological Ice Ages, periods, eras. Part 3

Exodus of civilization into space - Astrophysical End of the World. Part 2

The ideology of space expansion - Space calendar. Part 1

Related links:

About Ph.D. Morozov Sergey Lvovich:

Original article in Russian on Zen.Yandex:

Asgardia website:

Author: Ph.D. & Asgardia Member of Parliament (AMP) Morozov Sergey Lvovich / Zen.Yandex. Editor / Translation: Aerospace, by Roland Berga, Asgardia Member of Parliament (AMP), Founder & Owner of Aerospace.

Best regards, Roland Berga (aka